Today, on 04.15.2014, the newly founded Donetsk People's Republic became the target of military aggression on part of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian authority that came to power as a result of an armed anti-constitutional coup, initiated military actions in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, using the soldiers of Ukrainian armed forces, gunmen from illegal armed bands and servicemen from foreign private military companies financed by the USA.
Under the guise of false statements about an alleged anti-terrorist operation, they actually declared war on the people, using heavy weapons and aircraft. The lives of civilians are in danger. As Kiev has warned, the possibility of large-scale missile and bombing raids against cities is not out of the question.
Thus, the fascist regime of Ukraine, supported and financed by the USA and the Western European countries has actually started genocide of the Russian-speaking population in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.
The foundation of the Donetsk People's Republic is an objective reality that became necessary as a consequence of complete collapse of the Ukrainian government institutions after an anti-constitutional coup, it was founded in order to defend constitutional rights and liberties of the people residing in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.
Being aware that it is the last obstacle on the aggressor's way to the destruction of Russia, the people and the government of the Donetsk People's Republic, the command and personnel of the South Eastern Army hereby declare that the aggressor will be immediately rebuffed as it deserves.
We demand that the reactionary circles of the USA and the Western European countries who gave the Kiev regime their blessing to perform a military operation stop aggression and stop supporting and financing the illegitimate Ukrainian "authorities".
We apply to the multinational people of the Russian Federation, to our Russian brothers, to the authorities of the Russian Federation and to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person with a request to render diplomatic, humanitarian and, if possible, military aid to the Donetsk People's Republic, to act as a guarantor of its security, to curb the presumptuous death squads, to establish peace and to ensure the holding of peaceful nationwide referendum.
We ask the multinational people of the Russian Federation, our Russian brothers, the authorities of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in person to consider extending recognition to the Donetsk People's Republic as an international entity and concluding a treaty of political, economical and military cooperation with it.
We, the people of all the 180 ethnic groups living in Donbass, are Russians.
We were born as Russians, we live as Russians and we shall die as Russians if need be.
God and Russia are with us.
The enemy will be crushed.
The victory will be ours!
Русский вариант
Пер. Евг. Цыпина.
ПРОСЬБА от руководства ДНР.
Всех, знающих французский, испанский, немецкий, китайский, арабский языки на по-настоящему хорошем (не бытовом) уровне, очень просят помочь с переводом.