Aww, look at him, in his wee lil' boots!
I mean, how many cats can wear boots? Honestly?
Someone Phillip can match wits with and focus on beating. It has always been one of the things that confused him most about his Tale, that when Puss in Boots got his master to marry the princess and fulfilled his promise to help him, the cat just retired to a life of leisure. He isn’t sure that he believes in happily ever afters, a long golden period when there are no dangers, no threats, no excitement. He’s certain that he doesn’t want a life without challenge. So he needs someone to keep him on top of his game, someone to be his challenge, someone who can best him from time to time and who he can best at other times.
(can be open to more than one)
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People who are so endearing or persistent that they force Phillip to let them close. Letting someone that near is dangerous, he reasons, going back to the years when he moved all of the time, and he doesn’t do it often or spur of the moment. He knows himself too well and knows what calling someone a friend can mean. He’s no fair-weather friend, as he will stick near someone through thick and thin, and he knows full well that that can be very very good or very very bad. He doesn’t want to let the wrong sort of person close and end up regretting it later when his 'friend’s' true nature comes to light. A proud man, Phillip will not be made to look a fool if he has anything to say about it.
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:: THE FUN ::
Phillip needs a certain kind of friend who is habitually fun and optimistic to draw him out of his working doldrums from time to time. He might love his job but he needs someone who is the type to mass forward an e-mail with a funny face on it, or who calls him out of the blue to tell him some joke that leaves him chuckling at the most inappropriate times.
(can be open to more than one)
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Sometimes Phillip tends to take on too much. Often this comes across as arrogance, as though he thinks he’s better than everyone else, but in reality it’s just that he has a hard time trusting just anyone with important things like his career. His father always taught him that if he wanted something done right he had to do it himself father than stating bland facts like ‘this needs to be done’ and the lesson stuck. He needs people who he can trust who will persuade him from time to time to let them handle something, even something unimportant.
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Some who is consistent, unchanging. Not only does he value someone who is so aware of who and what they are that they will not change for anyone, he needs to know that someone like that exists so that he can learn that not everyone and everything is ever changing and fickle. He needs to meet someone who can prove to him that it is possible for a man to stay just as he is, to grow according to his own goals without waking up a different person.
James Callahan -
onlyhadaheart - James had already been in the Tale community for some time when Phillip went to live at the Pentamerone for a few months, and he quickly grew to admire him. The fact that James was a heart surgeon, someone who repaired hearts that were 'broken' and allowed people to live long, happy lives seemed like something that was akin to having the power of God, and Phillip admired how skilled he was in his craft. Admiration turned to gratitude when James helped him find out what it meant to be a Tale, what to do and not do, and advised him on general things. Help soon turned to friendship and Phillip was there for James when his arthritis caused him to have to change medical specialties. Phillip loves the fact that James is so constant, that he is, unabashedly, who he is and he doesn't change. He is generous and helpful and active in the Tale community, and though he filled a role that Phillip needed when he first decided to learn more about other Tales, it's more important that he stayed.
Similar to his hesitance and yet need for a friend, Phillip also needs someone who he can grow to love. He has always admired the bond that his parents share, and he wants that for himself, but he always has one excuse or another. He’s too busy, his career would likely get in the way. His Tale proved the perfect excuse, because when he shares himself with someone he wants it to be his whole self, not just the parts of him that are considered ‘normal.’ That is not to say that he doesn’t date, he does, quite often as a matter of fact, but the girls never stay the same. In fact, it seems that he is always appearing on the society pages of some paper for attending this charity ball or that (Phillip is always very eager to draw attention to his position and his company in a positive manner) but it is always another young, striking woman on his arm.
(while the "love" is reserved, this is open to multiple females for the flirtation angle; comment if you have an idea not listed below)
Name - journal - Phillip can't ever stop himself from laying his charm on thick for this very sweet woman, but it will only ever be flirtation as she's too young for him.
Name - journal - A relationship of the past, this flirtation grew into a brief relationship that, while amicably ended, made Phillip wary about letting another Tale female close to him in a relationship. He has always preferred the division between himself as a seemingly normal person and himself as a Tale.
Whitney de Winter -
travelstheworld - No one is more likely to spark both the nice and antagonistic sides of Phillip as Whitney is. When she first started attending the boarding school that he attended, she showed quick admiration for the fact that he had traveled so extensively. He loved being able to interest her, and became a bit caught up in his travels himself, remembering the good things about his many homes rather than just the day when the time came to pack things up. However, when he began to work for her father and she saw how ambitious and driven to succeed he was, that admiration changed to annoyance. Phillip, for his part, is amused by her. He thinks it's funny that she is so disdainful of him and yet owns far more shoes and handbags than he entire small towns do, and he likes their occasional verbal sparring. Over the years they have been involved in several brief, intense involvements (which Phillip refuses to classify as 'flings' because he finds the word too base and offensive) which never resulted in a relationship, both due to their eventual disagreements as well as their busy lives. He knew for some time that she was a Tale, but was at first unsure on how to tell her that he was one too. With their lives already crossing in business, adding in the Tale aspect pressurizes their temperamental relationship even more
He has the perfect nuclear family and he wouldn’t trade any of them for anything, but he needs what most people take for granted, people to serve as his extended non-blood family, people that he can bounce ideas off of and share things with, from surrogate cousins, aunt and uncles to even grandparents. He would never admit to such a thing, but he has always been quite envious of people who complain about the holidays when their entire extended family descends on their home and they feel overwhelmed. He wants to be part of that, part of some close knit group.
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