wow...we're bored.

May 17, 2005 00:45

This was a real fun conversation with a friend of mine, which is always fun, but know...

GeistGewehr: Yo
d00d: Hey man
GeistGewehr: What's up?
d00d: Not much. About to hit the sack. You?
GeistGewehr: Thinking about doing the same.
d00d: Mm.
d00d: I got lost with my friend tonight.. It sucked cause her boyfriend called and it dawned on me it could look like she was cheating on him with me.
GeistGewehr: Ouch...
d00d: Ha. But we found our way back before it got too nuts so I think were okay now.
GeistGewehr: Haha, that's good.
d00d: Yea.. Just gotta be careful with that stuff. I seriously never think about it. -.-'
GeistGewehr: Ya, I know.
d00d: Id prolly never be able to have a girlfriend. Shed be all like "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" And Id be like "No! We were just out for a drive!" And id be telling the truth, but shed never buy it. haha
GeistGewehr: Ha, ya.
GeistGewehr: Oh well though...
GeistGewehr: When you find a girl that does believe you, you know you're good to go.
d00d: Mm.
d00d: Ha. Id need to change my ways just a lil tho.. I have a habit of just telling people "I love you" and that might not be a good thing. o.o
GeistGewehr: Oooooooooooh...
GeistGewehr: Ya, could cause a problem.
d00d: indeed. haha
GeistGewehr: My problem is that at points I get heartless.
d00d: Mm. Yea id guess you wouldnt have the same problems i would. I have a feeling were on the opposite sides of the spectrum, me being more on the feminine side. o.O
GeistGewehr: I tend to stradle the whole spectrum at times...
d00d: Oh?
GeistGewehr: Ya...
GeistGewehr: I'm all over the place.
d00d: Whats your girliest moment? I
d00d: *moment?
GeistGewehr: ...Wow...I don't know...
GeistGewehr: What exactly do you mean by that though?
d00d: I just cant picture you doing anything that might be considered like, feminine or gay or something.. Ha. You seem like the rough-n-tough kind of guy's guy who dont let anybody tell him what to do... haha.
GeistGewehr: Haha.
GeistGewehr: Actually...
GeistGewehr: I'll tell you now...The only reason I'm tough and give off that image sometimes is because of growing up with the military.
GeistGewehr: That and random fights.
GeistGewehr: But those don't matter.
d00d: Mm. As I also guessed.
GeistGewehr: Ya.
d00d: So whats the real you, then? Tell me bout yourself.. heh
GeistGewehr: Yes, Mr. Psycho the rapist
d00d: ..what? Haha
GeistGewehr: Hehe.
d00d: ...who meh? :-P
GeistGewehr: Well...anyone I call a friend, if they need me, I will do anything I can.
GeistGewehr: I'm very protective of people that I "let in" as some people like to say.
d00d: Mm.
GeistGewehr: I actually like movies like The Notebook.
GeistGewehr: I thought that was a great movie.
d00d: Mm.. so far im not convinced tho- my uncle was in the military and hes always been a ruffian kind of guy, but hell watch a chick flick every now and then- it doesnt affect his 'masculinity'. ha
d00d: so continue
GeistGewehr: Ha.
GeistGewehr: Umm...
GeistGewehr: I don't know...
GeistGewehr: I tend not to talk about this is hard.
d00d: Maybe ill ask you some questions then
GeistGewehr: Alright.
d00d: This is all gonna be kind of speculatory and hypothetical, but answer honestly. ha
GeistGewehr: I always do.
d00d: If someone hit you, would you hit them back?
GeistGewehr: Yes.
GeistGewehr: Unless it's annie.
d00d: If someone threatened you and you thought them to be a somewhat kind of threat, would you strike them before they could potentially harm you?
GeistGewehr: If only if they show an actual intention to harm me, i.e. walking up to me with clenched fists. Too many pussies around here to believe any threats. Or, if they were a threat to a friend, I would strike first.
d00d: Hm.. would you rather makeout with your girlfriend or just kind of hold her in a cuddle kind of thing? assuming its just a normal moment with no real 'call' for either one..
GeistGewehr: Hold her.
d00d: Does talking about this kind of stuff make you uncomfortable?
GeistGewehr: Nope.
GeistGewehr: Not at all actually.
GeistGewehr: I'm just slick like that, haha.
d00d: Do you ever stop to think about how you really feel about someone.. like evaluating a relationship you share with a friend, including male relationships.
GeistGewehr: Ya, sometimes.
GeistGewehr: It depends though, like, if they're a really good friend, I will, but if it's just more of an...acquantince or however you spell that word, then no.
d00d: hmm. Do you ever sit down with a friend say "lets just talk" as opposed to "hanging out" with them? and if so, do you enjoy it or would you rather be doing something else?
GeistGewehr: Well, a lot of times we end up talking about whatever random thing, and we usually have fun doing that so we don't think about rather doing something else.
GeistGewehr: ...Does that answer...or not?
GeistGewehr: Because I'm not sure if it does.
d00d: It kinda does.
GeistGewehr: Well, what do you mean by let's just talk?
d00d: Just about stuff. Life, current stuff goin on, feelings.. i dont know. stuff. ha
GeistGewehr: Do random things count too?
GeistGewehr: If so, then definately yes, if not, then again it depends on the friend.
d00d: mm. okay
GeistGewehr: Certain people I just don't trust with that sort of information.
d00d: mm.
d00d: Yea I think that helps.
GeistGewehr: Ok., good.
d00d: If a friend says something that makes you upset, do you hold it back and just blow it off, or do you sit down and tell them it made you upset?
GeistGewehr: I did something right today.
GeistGewehr: Wow...a lot of these my answer has "depends on the person" in them...
d00d: mm. haha
GeistGewehr: For the most part I just grin and bear.
d00d: alrighty.
GeistGewehr: Ya, that gets beat into your head, haha.
d00d: I think thats all i got for right now.
GeistGewehr: Haha, that works.
GeistGewehr: So, did my psyche confuse you yet?
d00d: Not REALLY.. There was a thing or two that kind of made me say "Hm.. he might just have a wider spectrum than i thought" but for the most part you seem to be kind of the person you act like. the kind of person you should be.. haha
GeistGewehr: ...wait...what do you mean by that? Haha.
GeistGewehr: And what exactly is this spectrum you though I had?
GeistGewehr: I'm intrigued and it's an excuse to put you on the spot.
GeistGewehr: It's win-win for me.
GeistGewehr: Hmph, I guess you can win too...if you want.
d00d: Well all the guys ive ever known that were born in a military kind of household that ride dirtbikes and can brag about the scars or broken bones theyve gotten, tell about how many fights theyve been in, and say that they feel weird shoppin for clothes with their girlfriend I just kind of see as the average guy.. secure in his masculinity and not allowing themselves to show any trait whatsoever of the female gender.
GeistGewehr: And you think I'm like that?
d00d: In a way... thats just a loose observation tho.. thats not to say each individual person cant have their own real identity and way of doing things.
GeistGewehr: Hmm, ok, that works.
d00d: But yea, I think youre maybe more like that than someone like myself is.
d00d: heh
GeistGewehr: Haha, I guess.
d00d: Ohhh yea that was the question i was gonna ask...
GeistGewehr: What?
d00d: Do you cry often?
d00d: heh
GeistGewehr: Umm...not often, but I do cry at times.
d00d: mm. alrighty.
d00d: Just loosely how often would you say, and for what kind of general reasons?
GeistGewehr: You probably expected that answer.
GeistGewehr: Umm...
GeistGewehr: Last time was like...2 months ago.
GeistGewehr: Because I found out my friend was hit and then died.
d00d: Wow... yea thats gotta be rough
GeistGewehr: That one sucked.
GeistGewehr: Ya...sad thing is...I'm starting to get used to/
d00d: Ah well... Everyone gets over stuff like that... sometimes its quicker than wed expect.
GeistGewehr: Umm...but probably a few times a year...sometimes it's just because I snap a little and can't hold it back.
d00d: I see.
GeistGewehr: I've had a lot of close friends die over the years, that's why.
d00d: That blows..
GeistGewehr: Ya.
GeistGewehr: Don't die!
GeistGewehr: Otherwise I'll call you an asshole.
GeistGewehr: And mean it.
d00d: Heh.. ive had so little of that ill probably die from sorrow when it happens.
d00d: hahaha
d00d: Ill try not to. :-P
GeistGewehr: ...
GeistGewehr: No trying, just doing.
d00d: Yessir. :-X
GeistGewehr: That's the spirit.
GeistGewehr: ...Wait...
GeistGewehr: Weren't you going to bed...half an hour ago?
d00d: Well sort of.. I need to take a shower and stuff.. But this was fascinating me.
GeistGewehr: haha, go to bed.
GeistGewehr: I'm not that interesting.
d00d: haha. Id prolly make a good psychologist.. but you have to have a toleration for people to do that so theres no way I could get into it. :-P
GeistGewehr: Haha, I know.
GeistGewehr: people say the same about me but I just tell them "I hate people..."
d00d: Mm. Im not too fond of them myself.
GeistGewehr: w00t
GeistGewehr: Another one!
d00d: Ha.
d00d: Theres a few i dont mind tho.
GeistGewehr: Ya.
d00d: So when I take over the world I wont destroy the WHOLE thing
GeistGewehr: But those that I call "The Few" are not the damn marines.
d00d: Just 99.98346% is all. ^~
GeistGewehr: Just 99.9% of it?
d00d: haha
GeistGewehr: Ya, that sounds about right.
GeistGewehr: I get to destroy 44.997% of that though.
GeistGewehr: That's about half.
d00d: Hey ill outsource the whole thing to you if you want. Im too lazy to destroy a bizillion people
GeistGewehr: hehe...
GeistGewehr: I'd just get the cannibal tribes to do most of it.
d00d: Sounds like a plan. Ha
GeistGewehr: Haha.
d00d: Well Im off dude. Have a goodun. ^^
GeistGewehr: You too man.
GeistGewehr: And remember.
GeistGewehr: If you're gonna play with the monkeys, makes sure they can't reach any poo.
d00d: I will remember. hah.
d00d: Night :-D
GeistGewehr: Mornin'.
d00d signed off at 12:43:47 AM.
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