Apr 05, 2006 02:41
Oh noes! Again with the non-existant updates! And so much to update on! Actually, I lie. Sort of. There is nothing tangible and big happening in my life at the moment, at least not by society's standards. In other words, I'm still not at uni and I'm still not working. Aside from that... no, come to think about it, life is still relatively boring, and yet I am developing some semblance of a social life! Since this is good, let's talk about that shall we?
Last Thursday I went into the city in the evening to meet up face to face for the first time with Royce. Royce is a rather nice young man whom I met on a rather dastardly dating/friendship/people who are bored and like filling out quizzes site. He is cute, computer geeky and excessively nice. He also has a brain and this is good. The evening entailed me dragging him into a shop - not 5 minutes after first meeting him - to purchase one of those cool knotty at the front up high top thingos, followed by some walking, some talking and a visit to the State Library which involved microfische excitement, parlimentary debate hysterics and, most importants and excitingly, a thrilling and highly illicit venturing down none other than a wrought iron spiral staircase! Hurrah! After that we trotted off to McDonalds whereby we purchased and consumed. After that there was some walking, some inspecting of his office, some sniffing of his chico-flavoured wrist-rest and a whole bunch of talking. Like, a WHOLE bunch. We both caught the last train with less than a minute to spare, thus ended with success our first meeting!
Friday was also good fun; Babz came by and picked me up and then off we went for a nice cup of coffee. Well, technically neither of us actually drank coffee, but that is beside the point! After that it was off to Gisborne and then home to bed... eventually!
Sunday saw me going to church twice; once in the morning at Ashy and once in the evening, also at Ashy. The morning was great; despite being really unsettled at the start of Kids' Club, Caitlin settled right down and we had a great morning. I was absolutely thrilled to find that she is exploding into language! It was only a few weeks ago that I was finding it harder to understand what she was saying, but now she is spilling coherent sentances left right and centre! Apparently she's having a bit of a battle of the wills with her school teacher, but the very fact that she is reasoning and getting her point across is brilliant! I was completely wrapped and I'm SO excited! I've always had a soft spot for Caitie, and to see her blossoming like this just makes me go all melty on the inside!
In the time between services I had a coffee with Marie, then went back at her place. We had a minor hiccough in the first 10 minutes of our coffee adventure. It all began when I asked our waiter what a 'Chinotto' was. After being told it was a nice drink by the waiter and a disgusting drink by Marie, I decided that I would simply have to try it. When another waitress came out a few minutes later I requested that she tell our other waiter that I thought the Chinotto rather disgusting! I was in the middle of my 'eww this is disgusting' antics when Marie told me off for being immature. Turns out however that immaturity is quite the thing; our lovely waiter returned momentarily to deliver me a free cappucino with his appologies about the Chinotto! It didn't take overly long for Marie to be sorry for getting annoyed and me to grin and be sorry also. I mean, it's not like I don't already know that I can be a pain in the bum! The rest of the afternoon we made knotted bracelets, I did cross-stitch and we watched Strictly Ballroom. Church was good, except that I went into sensory overload pretty much straight away. Still, I managed to stay calm and even attempted to be social for a while after the service had finished, before retreating to my needlepoint with constant reassurance to Elise that no, I really did NOT mind if she left me alone! *grins*
And that brings us to today; after a nice long sleep in I decided that I was bored, sent one of my Aspie friends who is hypervigilant about not sharing even his exceedingly common first name online a message and off we went to Maccas for tea! Good times were had, as well as some laughs, and the evening was capped with a joyous excursion to the library where I payed my $20 fine! Now I am home, tired but happy, particularly as my House episodes are now taking hours not days to download thanks to the help of three computer nerds! You know that thing in Bitlord that tells you that your upload speed affects your download speed? They didn't think to point out that this means the more you upload the quicker you download, so all this time I had been assuming that less uploading means more room to download! Oops!
Tomorrow looks like a good one; shopping with Babz for black pants and other articles (yay Winter shopping woo hoo! Who cares if I'm spending anything I saved; Winter clothes is an EXCELLENT excuse!) in the afternoon followed by meeting up again with Royce in the city; too cool!
Last of all, a thumb update; the first two infections have cleared up and my thumb is nice and calloused, with the exception of the top, which is rather sore indeed as I attacked the last of my nail with a stanley knife tonight. Doh. It is now smothered in Betadine and wrapped up in Elastoplast where if shall hopefully stay with much willpower. Owww...
Ack, I lie again; one more thing. It's now official; Steph is now James' girlfriend! Yeeha James! Good thing I'm in an optimistic mood or I would be sulking over the notion that my 12 year old brother has a girlfriend and I don't. A boyfriend I mean. I don't have a boyfriend. Lol... BYE! *giggle-bounces, realises that she's giggle-bouncing and then giggle-bounces some more!*