Ok so basically I don't have a job or any money at the moment and so as you already know i'm quite depressed and bored and there aren't people very local to me apart from siobhan (but shes going away soon), I start my work placement in a couple of weeks though which is less bad and something to look forward to but also shit myself over, I know its only runner stuff but i'm still terrified of stuffing up - the advantage is that its unpaid though so at least they won't be losing any money paying me for my retardedness.
So, to the point, i've been really bored and people have suggested I try and unbore myself by doing stuff like tshirt making, trying to teach myself piano, or drawing.
I ran out of black fabric paint so I cant do my tshirt until I get some money.
It turns out the piano is actually really hard (but maybe i'll keep at it)
And I haven't really drawn anything since school.
Anyway today I tried to do a self portrait but it ended up looking nothing like me, and then I just got frustrated with it so the drawing turned to scribbles. I'm not very patient so maybe this isnt the hobby for me, anyway heres the results for your enjoyment:
maybe i'll just doodle instead of doing like proper drawing. and maybe i'll only ever use highlighter pens to colour stuff, as a rule.
ruth your sugar skull tattoo is to blame for my concept of an octopus afterlife.