Oct 09, 2017 11:51
What better way to spend your time in the bathroom than multitasking? We are in an age where sitting on the toilet, eyes glazed over, counting the tiles or lost in thought, or amusing yourself by making intentionally terrible expressions and imagining how ridiculous it would look to anyone watching, are in the past -- except those rare and unfortunate timed when you accidentally leave your phone and book in the other room.
The kids have today off from school, so Celeste went to her friend, Hannah's house, and Derek is home listening to Jonathan Coulton and looking through the cards for a game that he likes called Smashup, while I work on photos on my computer, with be occasional bathroom breaks, obviously.
I've got a few thousand family photos from this weekend to sort through, but more urgently, I need to complete photos from Silicon Valley Japan Platform's monthly meeting, which I've been putting off because the photos are so monotonous and the lighting is terrible, although the people are nice and the meetings themselves are interesting. And they feed me. That's good, too.
Well, Derek needs something, so I guess I'd better get off the pot, now.