Nov 07, 2010 22:38

Lately I have been contemplating the idea that I might have adult ADD. My sister and I have joked about it off and on, but the more I read into it, the more it clicks. Something is just wrong. I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I love my life and I love the people in my life. I still enjoy the things I've always enjoyed and I have managed to keep a pretty positive happy-go-lucky attitude. But I feel lost all the time. I can't focus on conversations, I have been told by my lead at work that I need to work on my time management skills, I get so worked up over the simplest criticism, and I have an extremely short fuse. Luckily for me my happy-go-lucky attitude pulls me out of my funk shortly after getting irritated, but it still sucks. I can't seem to keep up with our finances, our house is always a mess even though I'm always cleaning (I know 99% of this is because I have young children, though), and the list goes on and on.

I remember as a child I didn't watch a full 30 minute sitcom until I was 11 or 12. Granted, this isn't a bad thing and I have always kind of taken pride in the fact that I was a very active child who practically lived outdoors. But maybe that's part of it. I just couldn't sit still! I even remember at family functions everyone would be inside playing games and I just couldn't do it. I couldn't sit still and focus long enough. In school I was always told by my teachers that I had unbelievable potential if I would apply myself more. But I could never concentrate hard enough or focus long enough to live up to it.

Psych problems do run in my family, my dad's side to be exact. My dad and sister both suffer from anxiety. And so did my grandma and her parents, etc. So it wouldn't come as a big surprise to me that I suffer as well. I think it just took this long to really show now that I am an adult with children and my responsibilities have come to an all time high.

So I think I might make an appointment tomorrow and get this ball rolling. I would just love to have a conversation with someone and not forget about the details five minutes later. I would love to be able to carry out a project and finish it. I would love to be able to better utilize my time at work. Just, everything. I am so sick of feeling out of control!
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