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Jul 12, 2010 23:28

Hello strangers! Can you believe it's the middle of July already? I'm so not ready to give up this summer yet. Thankfully there are still a couple months of it left.

Life is the same, we're plugging away as usual. Norm went part time with his job and will be starting school in the fall. He's going into the IT field. So we are done with daycare, which is bittersweet. I feel like we pulled Holt out right when he needed it. But thankfully we have a fantastic neighborhood full of friends and kids, not to mention we never sit still. So there is never a dull moment in the Walker household. Anyway, Norm is staying home with the kids on Wednesdays and Fridays now, and I am still home with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And Norm's mom watches them on Mondays like she always has.

Otherwise....same old, same old. Tomorrow's adventures might entail a day-long book marathon. We have been laying a blanket under our little tree in the front of our house lately and reading books. It's wonderful! Our boys can't get enough, so I'd like to push the limits and see what their threshold is. My guess is Blake will be bored after about 5 books, but I bet Holt would sit still for 20+. Then a trip to the grocery store and then maybe the pool after lunch. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I'm itching for another kid, but I know we can't afford it. I just panic when I think of how old Blake is getting! He's supposed to be our baby! I'm ready for another, but we will wait until Norm is done with school and we can actually afford it. Bummer.


Holt and Norm ran in the rain a couple weeks ago.

We went to Iowa last month for my cousin's wedding.

Funny faces!

My dad trying to teach Holt rock paper scissors.

The annual touch-a-truck event. Blake and Holt tried on fireman's hats.

Fun in the neighborhood. Blake and Nathan are giving Max a hug.

At the air show in St. Cloud a couple weeks ago.

We tried teaching Holt to ride a bike without training wheels on his "girl power" bike. Didn't go over so well.

Not gonna lie. I laughed.

Fun at the pool.

At the River Falls Days parade Friday night. Holt was pretty proud of his candy stash!

Ain't too proud to beg.

Milk and cookies. You know, the standard parade fare.

Our neighbor-friend, Joe, getting blasted with water.

Feeding the cows at Grammy and Grandad's.

Gator fun at Grammy and Grandad's.

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