Jun 20, 2011 15:00
One year after getting her, Kiki the Parrot, has gone from an antisocial, severely neglected, biting scream monster, to having a repertoire of 11 tricks and commands, no bites in six months, and has even learned to sing and chatter at a gentle level. She's finally letting me pet her and rub her cheeks and beak.
She's still prone to chronic Crop Irritations/infections, I suspect because she seems to eat defensively and may be eating too much too fast. She has had 4 since I got her, but always perks up again in a few hours. She's now at a healthy lovebird weight, and being flighted and able to fly in her new cage (It's a small ferret cage, very long) has fixed her breathing problems.
Right now she's twisting around her head, whistling softly at me for attention.
She's been so much work, and taken so much time, but she's simply amazing, and I don't know if I could ever not have a parrot in my life again. I have never loved a pet more.
Today, She learned how to give me a kiss.