Howdy teenycomm!
I've been loving the glass pendant/collage art theme I've been seeing a lot of, and have decided I REALLY want to make some to sell at the local art festivals and farmer's market.
The catch? I need funds to buy supplies to even try.
They will be painted in acrylics on good paper, and be of moderately detailed quality, So expect as much detail as I can wedge in.
Expect similar detail level to these: cropped smaller.
5 Slots are open.
1x2 Inch Rectangle - 15$
1x1 Inch Square - 10$
Since you're making a leap of faith on my end, we'll soften the landing. If I find I simply cannot get these things to work out and make a good product, 10$ Buyers get a free Iron artist commission (6x4 Acrylic Painted Sketch), and 15$ Buyers can have one with a background, to thank you for being patient with a whimsical artist.
ETA is early July.
1. Avenging Lioness
2. Candycane
Either or/Overflow:
1. Mandakatt
Can be a character, a pet, a design, favorite animal, or even Object (Flowers, bell, ect)
Shipping is 4$ in the US, 7 International. I may give shipping refunds if I find it to be less, this is a ballpark guess.
Comment here, note me on FA Or email to purplelunastudio[at]