This evening, I was hanging out on a MUSH. Which is a very geeky activity. I am using telnet to connect to a text-based game wherein I pretend to be a vampire. It is officially even geekier than World of Warcraft and tabletop D&D COMBINED.
MUSH has what are called 'OOC channels', which are semi-chat room things where players can chat with each other while they RP. Anyone who's interested in "listening" can turn the channel on, and then anything said on the channel goes to their screen. Similarly, they can talk. Sorta like ham radio. A couple of us were chatting on the 'Public' channel, and one of the newbies on the game burst in. It was his intention, it would seem, to find some geeks to bait.
Now, I'm not the wittiest person I know, but I'm up there, and I'm certainly a HELL of a lot wittier than this poor goober, especially when I have accomplices.
Goober says "Besides Vampire, has anyone ever played any tabletop games?"
Evan is in a weekly D&D game right now.
Will hasn't played Vampire tabletop. I'm not emo enough.
Goober thoroughly HATES D&D
Evan says ""I've also played all of the other White Wolf games in tabletop, plus Champions (didn't like it), Stormbringer (love the magic system), the White Wolf superhero one, which I've forgotten the name of (system sucks), Dogs in the Vinyard (AWESOME GAME) -- I'm missing others, I'm sure."
Cecil has played vtm, werewolf, D&D, d20 modern, rifts, gurps space, shadowrun, one that is in playtesting and not published yet called mystic realms, off the top of my head.
Cecil says "oh, right, yeah and Trinity."
Evan says ""D&D is awesome, but you have to have the right GM."
Apolo says "Ah, man. No need to harsh on D&D."
Goober says "But, since you mentioned it, Evan... I have something for you."
Will thoroughly LOVES D&D, so there. :D
Sasha says "I love Dogs."
Goober says "And since you're here, Apolo... I'll give it to you, too."
Sasha says "Such a cool system."
Apolo says "Will I need antibiotics afterwards?"
Goober says ""
No sense clicking on the link. It's to some idiot comedian's not-funny song about D&D players, wherein he reveals that he doesn't know jack shit about D&D. Stuff like that can either be 'funny because it's true', or 'mean spirited', and you can guess which one this is. You'll notice that he doesn't tell anyone what it is, further down in the conversation.
Evan says ""If this is that radio skit, I've heard it so many times I've practically got the thing memorized."
Goober doesn't know if it was ever on radio. "I've only ever seen/heard it there."
Will says "All my best characters are D&D. People take this Vampire stuff too seriously."
Evan says "Is it the "roll the dice to see if I get drunk!" one?"
Goober says "Just watch it."
Goober says "Don't be a baby."
Evan says "It's not that one. That one rocks."
Evan says "That one's actually not that funny. Lemme see if I can find the one I was thinking of, which is freaking hilarious."
Evan says "Here it is:"
Goober says "Code Monkeys. Seen it."
Evan says "It's awesome."
Goober mocks, "I wanna cast Magic Missile!"
Goober says "Yeah, not that funny after the 12th idiot tells you to watch it."
This was the point where I decided that I was done being nice to the newbie. Now, I had three real choices for my revenge. I could either: A) Confront him, B) Take it out IC, or C) Outwit him so badly that he would be too stupid to know he'd been outwitted. I went with C.
Will says "Hey Evan, they rewrote the WW superhero game into d20."
Evan says "Oh yeah? Who did it?"
Cecil says "Monte Cook did a WOD d20, too."
Will says "Forgot who, but it's pretty neat."
Evan says "I know Monte Cook did Vampire, and that's worth having a look at. Monte Cook knows what he's doing."
Goober says "It is SO awesome to find a community of geeks that know what they're talking about... :P"
Evan says "You haven't even scratched the depths of my geekiness. ;)"
Goober says "That's not normally something you brag about in public areas..."
Evan says "Roundabout when I got to college, I realized that it was ridiculous for me to be apologetic about the stuff I enjoy."
Goober says "Wow.. That long, huh?"
Evan says "Yeah. It took a while."
Will says "Dude, you're playing a roleplaying game on telnet on your computer. Geekiness has been achieved. Sorry."
Evan laughs. "Even geekier than World of Warcraft."
Goober says "I don't go to greath lengths to find out everything I can about it, though."
You know what DOES go to great lengths? The Nile. Which is not a river in Egypt, my friend. But Goober had given me my opening. He wanted geeks? He was going to GET geeks. Will, Sasha, and Cecil seemed to read my mind.
Goober says "For example: Half the stuff you guys have been saying about this "WOD" and stuff... no clue what you're talking about."
Will says "Well, this -was- about a hundred times geekier back in the mid-90s, when we were all using dialup.. :D"
Evan coughs. "That's, um, mostly because we are ancient tottering dinosaurs."
Goober says "Hey, you said it.."
Evan says "Screw that, Will. I was on Bullatin Board Systems. My sysop downloaded our email from some kind of a super BBS server and took orders for usenet forums we wanted to get."
Evan says "(Now I know someone's gonna come along and say that they WERE the sysop who downloaded the emails)"
Will was too remote from any BBS to dial in without paying ungodly phone bills.
Goober suddenly finds himself much more relieved to have been born in the 80's and no sooner.
Sasha says "I used to hang out on a BBS. I used to hang out with the sysop. Does that count?"
Evan says ""Ah. Yeah, there were a couple set up around where I lived. Plus a couple of kids with one line "warez" boards."
Evan says "Sasha, you are officially as geeky, and probably as old, as me. ;)"
Will says "Woo. How long -did- it take to download a cracked copy of X-Wing? :D"
Sasha says "Like you didn't know that already. ;)"
Evan says "I have no idea. I didn't go to those much, because the kids on them were too poorly socialized even for me, which is saying a lot."
Evan says "Anyway, Goober. WoD stands for 'World of Darkness', and it's a 90's thing. They still make books (I think? do they?) but they're not popular like they used to be at their peak. Used to be, before D&D 3rd ed came out, everyone played Vampire, Werewolf, et al."
Will says "They canned the entire game and started over, Evan."
Goober says "I have no idea what World of Darkness is. I can honestly say that I don't think I've heard it before."
Evan says "Ah. No more room for making more suppliments."
Evan says "(Insert HUGE ROLLING OF EYES here.)"
Will says "World of Darkness was the 'over-game' world that White Wolf used to loosely tie their supernatural-type game systems together."
Will says "Usually poorly. :D"
Evan nods.
Will says "Werewolves > Vampires. :D"
Evan says ""The problem with the rules was that there was no rhyme or reason to them. The powers weren't balanced."
Will says "Mages > everyone."
Evan laughs and laughs.
Evan says ""Back when multi-sphere MUSHes were big, I wouldn't play on them if they had mage.""
Cecil says "They're still big, but the nWOD races are much better balanced. And I wouldn't play on multi-sphere OWOD games at all, just vampire :P"
Will never understood the multi-spheres. Inevitably, there'd be like 200 supernatural types and a couple dozen mortals all vying for their attention.
Evan says "Used to be, multi-spheres was all there were."
Will says "You'd end up with potentially Awakened abomination pooka time lords."
Goober just plays Vampire because he likes Vampires...
You're not helping your case here, dude.
Evan says "Only if her player was the head Wizard's really hot girlfriend."
Will says "And that one jerk that plays a Wraith and never interacts with anyone."
Evan has played a couple wraiths. But usually I'd make sure the game had a ton of people who'd taken the medium merit and hadn't gotten to do anything because the wraith sphere was dead. Readymade RP, following me everywhere!
Burod says "And I've only ever played Masquerade, too. I haven't played Requiem, yet... and one of my friends in our gaming group is wanting to play The Fall of the Camarilla.."
Will says "Ah, the head wizard's really hot girlfriend. The only thing worse is the head wizard's new girlfriend who he met in the game."
Cecil says "oh, right, wraith, I've done that too."
Evan nods to Will. "Oh yes. Because she is ALWAYS a drama queen."
Will nods sagely at Evan. "From Canada, even though the head wizard's in like Texas."
Evan grins. "Yeah, I remember that girl."
Evan says "Her char was always app. 5 and bisexual."
Will dies laughing.
Evan says "You know what was awful? The 'I am secretly a great writer who has yet to write anything' goths. They'd all have pretty much the same character, and they'd write poses that literally would scroll off my screen during which their character smoked a clove and drowned in adjectives. And they'd neglect to (not forget -- neglect to) indicate WHO was posing, because they figured that everyone had to know, because their character was so original. Except they're in a scene with five other people, all doing the EXACT SAME THING."
Cecil says "Well, then there's the famed LAS - the Lesbian Asian Schoolgirl."
Evan says "Yes, but she's always played by a guy."
Goober despams, now..
Goober has left this channel.
Best part? After he left channel, the spirited conversation died. Him leaving channel was the last thing that showed up there. We had all, by geek hive mind, teamed up, struck down our poser enemy, and returned to our holes from whence we came.
Let that be a lesson to you all: Do not fuck with the geeks.