more house-warming pictures here please visit the above link for all your photos! these are only somee! (: i've uploaded those from the photographer, as well as both of our cameras at home (plus those from sam's facebook) i'm still waiting for our wacky shots, jacklyn! =]] the camera did capture some very nice candid shots of our guests so if you were present please go look up and save as your shots, haha! that day saw many private bankers and business partners of all sort roaming around the house. friends, thanks once again for your show up. the family might be looking at another party end of the year. we'll see about that. meanwhile, the photos are (pretty) so do spend some time oogling at them. i enjoyed it much :D
Church was awesome with a tinge of camwhoring after leslie's teaching at istana park.
more church's pictures here it's a breakthrough with that comfy heels of mine. i love love love my new heels cause it didn't hurt me as much as it would. i prepared a box of plaster out just in case. ended up sponsoring some to poor desiree cause her shoe bit her like crazy. i'm going crazy buying shoes; a sudden fetish. but i splurged on three pairs in the past two weeks. enough is enough. i need more staples.
have fun save as-ing those photos dearies. i touched my multiply account finally!! the last time i logged in was August 2004, hahaha. the beginning of internet addiction.