you usually find it when you're not looking for it.

May 02, 2008 16:02

the housewarming party yesterday was great! (: we had many many many guests and it was overwhelming initially when i had to run about the house, up and down, in and out making sure all my friends were taken care of (my deepest apology that i left some of you out for too long) and meeting dad's friends & biz partners, new neighbours and my own family. i couldnt picture two hundred guests initially when we planned, but when the crowd came in gradually - i was like "ok, 200 is a lot of people",  it was fun nevertheless. the family never had such a party because our house is usually & generally not "open" to public; just a family thing from young. Now, i feel so vulnerable & bare because everyone know the different corners of my house! probably physciologically or what, but i feel so violated. lol. but my house's really been warmed up by all our distinguished guests! yes, you - thank you for helping us make this house warming a success - everyone who turned up! i quote my dad; it's so easy to invite and accept the invitation but it's another to turn up for it eventually. lovelies, thanks for sharing the joy with my family (:

yesterday saw me busy running around spending time & hosting the people, i didn't have much photos on my camera. just a few snip snap everywhere, randomly and on people's camera. oh yes! thank God for the photographer of the day we engaged (church brother, justin) - i really have no idea how the photos will turn out because i haven't previewed em'. i'll send those pictures out to you girls (sam, jac and constance) & valueshoploveys and the french goers.soon!

on a side note, aerobics' really fun! well initially the sister and i couldnt keep up we kept on giggling to ourselves especially looking into the huge ceiling-to-floor mirror. the class' dominated by working class ladies and house wives who stay in the vincinity. but it's ok and it's good cause unlike most youngsters nowadays, they don't judge and you won't have to bother if you look good while stretching or kicking in the air or not. i felt really (really) rejuvenated after class! =]]

back to yesterday, church brothers and sisters left about almost sixpm. we cleared the house and i joined girlfriends for Sakae Sushi for a good catching up session. (yes even after the wide spread buffet, hehe) the session together was so good. i felt that was what we needed in a very long time. thank you girls for listening to me and giving me sound advices. you girls are my silent cheerleaders. we don't have to meet all the time but when we do, we connect altogether again! i hope we'll keep going strong! i'm really glad i can still pour out my feelings even knowing it can be downright embarressing, crazy or insane. cause' you guys will listen share my joy and woes! yes, by breaking chopsticksss!! lol. i laughed till i teared yesterday. and i'm sorry aisyah about that flying chopstick. HAHA. ok, we love breaking chopsticks to illustrate and reinstate our point. right? i can't wait till we meet again, about half a month more :D:D

anyway i'm about to knock off soon. my eyes are tired and i'm finally in spectacles after half a month of contact lenses, daily. today is friday and it's dinner at home with the family. i've decided to allocate tonight for myself. no disturbance no nothing. i need to catch up with myself, and turn in early. knowing me well enough would help you understand that alone-time for juli is very important. the past few months have been unearthly hours of sleeping and this is not good. i need to renew my soul, hahahaha.

bon weekend!

citylights, family, thoughts, work, jany

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