Joe Flipped !!

Apr 12, 2005 15:55

So today started out pretty good.  It still is.  Had to make my car payment today, which brought my cash flow a little down.  But that's ok.  Well today at work Joe lost it.  Joe is an old man who works in Bank Recon.  He's in the aisle across from me and 2 cubes back.  So he was having a problem yesterday with something and it carried over to today.  Then he had another problem with a store that he brought to me.  I called the store and figured out the problem.  I went back to let Joe know that it would be corrected tonight.  All I could get out was "Hey Joe, about that store......" and he goes " I know I can't find the damn paperwork that I had on it" and then he threw his papers at the wall.  I was like OK I am just gonna go back to my desk because this old man is about to have a heart attack.  I have NEVER EVER seen that side of him in the 5 years that I have been here.  And earlier he had a fight with his calculator that got sooo loud a couple of us had to see what was wrong.  LMAO the whole afternoon cause of him.  I feel bad for him but its just soo funny.  I didn't laugh in front of him like some people.  Thats just wrong.

So anyways tonite Josie is picking me up from work and we are going to the Olive Garden by Metro.  We're gonna meet Tom and Anthony there.  Haven't seen Anthony in a looonng time.  It's been years.  But he's cool.  So we'll all have fun catching up again.  Let's see if Paula shows.. I doubt it.  The damn hermit. LOL
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