
Jun 02, 2011 02:05

I am doing good. I know that. At the moment I am barely leaving my flat, but I'm busy. Two OU courses. Two free online courses. Making jewellery. Writing. Selling anything I can online. Funding applications. All despite copious amounts of time in bed each day.It feels wrong. I miss some of the things I used to do. Actually just one at the moment. Thinking about stitches. The waiting around to be seen, the questions. The anaesthetic. The bandage that falls off before you even make it home. The comforting ache when the injection wears off.I think it is about 18 months since last time. Scary to think it used to be at least once a week. Scary to think I am almost jealous of that.Cancelled my psychiatrist today. I am having a few mood issues. Don't really know what is going on.
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