Jun 21, 2011 10:24
I didn't mean for this to start becoming a bi-weekly report, but once again, time got away from me. Still, I'm so stoked about finally breaking through my plateau, I wanted to make sure that I made time for it this morning before rushing off to The Next Thing. So here's where I'm at:
Current Weight: 159 pounds!
Last Week's Gain: 1 pound (up to 162 pounds - GRR!)
This Week's Loss: 3 pounds! YAY!
NET LOSS: 28 pounds
I've finally broken through the 160's, which has taken me well over a month since I hit the halfway mark. Sadly, I have not resumed my previous exercise levels in terms of actual aerobic exercise, but the beautiful weather and the bumper crop of strawberries from our garden have resulted in regular yard/garden work, including a lot of weeding, harvesting, digging, watering, transplanting, trimming, and other miscellaneous tasks requiring repetitive low-to-medium intensity activity. Add a few bike rides, some walking, and better eating, and voilà! My cushion is only about 3 weeks now, so I'm glad to be back on track, but I am fiercely aware that I need to step up my efforts big time.
Incidentally, this is the second day in a row that I've weighed 159 pounds, and that's important. As many of you know, BRF rehearsals have started up and Street Cast has been reminding each other non-stop about staying hydrated. When I finally got around to stepping on a scale Monday morning and saw a 3 pound drop, my first thought was, "Oh no! I didn't drink enough! I've lost water weight!" This is a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to since I weighed just under 162 pounds on Friday and spent the majority of my weekend outside being active. After all, nobody loses 3 pounds of fat in a single weekend, right? However, after some intense rehydration - intense enough to still be running "in the clear" as of this morning, if you know what I mean - I am still at 159 pounds. So either I really did lose actual weight or my body isn't done sucking up all the water I'm giving it. I'll keep super-hydrating today and tomorrow and see where my weight stands by this weekend. Hopefully I won't lose all the progress to water retention, but last week was kind of a "female water retention" week for me, so maybe things are just balancing out. It's possible I didn't really gain an actual pound last week and that the weight spike was really just water weight; who knows?
Speaking of BRF, I tried on my corset yesterday, and it's not as bad as I feared. It seems my overall body shape has gotten a bit bottom heavy over the years, so even with all the weight loss I still have a 3" - 4" gap from my abdomen to my hips to close up, which should be perfectly comfortable to wear. Unfortunately, because my breasts are much more easily compressed than my enormous cellulite hips, the corset pretty much closes completely at the top, so some sort of "booby bolster" is in order to keep things properly supported. I suppose once I reach my target weight, some serious toning/body sculpting is in order because I don't know how a corset that is bigger at the bottom than it is at the top is going to look. I promised myself that when I reached my target weight, I'd make Jezzie a red LEATHER corset. It will be a lot of work but I will certainly have something really special to wear by the next season!
health matters,