Is this week over yet?

Nov 17, 2010 22:56


At least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Sort of.

I still need to: type up the Order of Service for Liturgy of the Hours on Friday, finish printing out the 1000 Christ the King worship aids for this weekend, write the introductory greeting, penitential rite, and petitions for this weekend's Masses, finish filing all the music I didn't get around to filing today, pull music for the Thanksgiving Mass, teach a flute lesson, change over the LIFE Teen music binders, run Recorder Ensemble rehearsal, attend the Liturgy Planning Committee meeting, supervise a service project with the 7th graders, cantor for Liturgy of the Hours, play for all 5 Masses this weekend, and somehow get everything we need for our out-of-town trip in order by Sunday afternoon.  Believe it or not, I'm in much better shape than I was at the beginning of the week, but I'm still going to be scrambling to get it all done on time.  Back to the grindstone tomorrow - now it's time for bed!

flute, recorder, nablopomo, church

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