Feb 27, 2021 12:26
My instructor jokingly called the mid-term the point of no return--you know that part in a story or movie where there's no going back. There wouldn't be much of a story or movie if we didn't have mitigating circumstances.
I suppose it's fitting that the point of no return marks character growth! There were three parts to the exam--a few ice breaker questions, since the class is taught online, a short answer section where we had to pick a selection we liked and disliked and reasons why and then the third part, which was a short 300-500 word response using selections from the class.
That third part was tough! The topic was on the Moon and I was just stumped. Years of LJ means that I can bang out a thousand words on just about any topic, but the question, Could humans survive without the Moon? had me beat! I spoke to scientific facts and then settled on the answer that yes, humans would survive, but there would be an environmental catastrophe and cultural disaster. I'll let you know how I did!
I was so hungry after the exam. It felt like I ran a marathon. The bonus of writing an exam online is that you can walk around and grab a snack, and in my case, I grabbed nuts, two Wagon Wheels and a granola bar. I had leftover pasta for lunch and wolfed it down like a teenage boy, LOL!