hurts me more to let go

Feb 27, 2009 15:34

I never answer those "writers block" thingies, even tho they are sometimes decent questions. Today's was "What's the story behind your user name?"

"Purpleplunge" came around after high school. I had the screen name "Creamit27" for years and years, but decided it was time for a change (besides realizing Creamit sounded somewhat... wrong?)
I wanted to involve the word purple somehow, it being my favorite color. I could not think of a word to follow, and didn't want to use numbers, so I opened the dictionary to the "P" section. The first word I saw was plunge. Thus, purpleplunge was formed. I was, and still am, happy with it. :)

Anyway, I'm sick. I've been constantly nauseated for the last week. Nothing helps. I've tried Alka-Seltzer, Pepto Bismol, Pepcid AC, Hyoscyamine (med for stomach distress), but none of them are effective. Even smoking a bowl doesn't help (which normally clears a stomach ache right up). It is so frustrating! So I've basically been bed-ridden for seven days. Even though I'm nauseous, I'm hungry at the same time. But the thought of food makes me sick, and I'll throw up if I eat the wrong thing. It really sucks. :( I also have heartburn to boot.

My psychiatrist tried a new anti-depressant called Abilify, and I wondered if that was making me sick. But I stopped taking it and still no relief. So then I thought maybe my ulcers have returned. My physician agreed, and put me on Aciphex and Zantac. Still not helping. I did some research, and found that I may be suffering from Cymbalta withdrawals (an anti-depressant I stopped taking about 1 1/2 weeks ago). I've found many people who suffer similar symptoms like nausea after going off it. The part that sucks is they say relief is hard to come by and the symptoms can last up to three months. EEK!!!

My health sucks. I feel like something is always wrong with me, either physically or mentally. Am I a hypochondriac? Eff.

"Will you ever get the hint?"

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