Oct 13, 2003 22:16
so i found out some news tonight that didnt quite come easy. i was upset. i made myself sick. but i never once cried. i talked to some people about it and i realized that i dont need that kind of bullshit in my life. so fuck them! fuck you for breaking my heart. fuck you for breaking my trust. fuck you for lying to me. fuck you for hurting me. fuck you for the things you did to me. fuck you for me cutting again. fuck you. FUCK YOU!!!!!! ive learned alot from some recent experiences. now i know what not to look for in people. now i know what kind of friends i want and what kind of relationship i want. so no matter how much i hate you, and believe me, i do, i also want to thank you for teaching that i dont need you in my life. i am an amazing person. im beautiful, im smart, im creative, im talented, im everything you wish you could be, im me. and im happy with that. so to those that fucked me over.. FUCK YOU