I could probably spend the rest of my life doing a Hepburn-and-Tracy thing with Wentworth. We work well together.
SWC in Dallas news 18/09/2006
Last Friday was the last day of shooting *swallows* and the thought that Went and Sarah will never be Michael and Sara again is very hard and I will miss the checking out casting calls, scripts, and shooting locations because I am sure I will never do that again, for any show. This will be a goodbye in stages and when this is all over it will be like I lost a very dear friend. I also think that in a masochistic kind of way the sadness is a beautiful precious kind of sadness, the one you want to hang on to and not move on from. It is all so very bittersweet.
I wonder what it would be like for the actors? Can you imagine that a character has been your alter ego for so long, that must be hard to shake off. In interviews Wentworth always told us that he is very invested in the character of Michael and he thinks about 'him' all the time so I wonder how it is to lose that, especially because I suspect there is a lot of Wentworth in Michael. I can see him going through a mourning period for that. If we as fans having so much difficulty letting go I wonder how hard it will be for the actors?
Went is in China to make some money again and I don't blame him because it no doubt gives him the independence to work on his own projects and be more selective when it comes to scripts. According to the Chinese media he is going to play in a small independent movie soon *dances* and maybe a stage play later this year. I also hope for some pics and interviews to tell us how heartbroken he is now, no longer working with his BFF to lift my spirit.
SWC also has a new part in a small Canadian movie and though I am happy for them that they both scored new parts so soon, because I wish them nothing but great things, it makes me a bit sad that they are moving on. Again it is all very bittersweet.
I wonder when the wrap party is? Maybe when Prison Break is back on TV.
WEM on a press conference in Shanghai 17/3/2009
"there is indeed two extra episodes in this season. It will be a relatively independent prison break story. I (Michael) will face the most severe challenge. I can't give away much, but shooting two extra episode is for all PB fans, for their support of four years.
(I edited the spoiler out)
The politics of PB reared it's ugly head again this week when we had some uplifting scheduling news. Apparently there is some internal struggle going on between the production company FOX and the network FOX and of course it is about money. *facepalms* The reason that PB is now on Friday nights is because FOX network didn't want PB anymore because of the lower ratings but the production company makes money from selling it abroad and the DVD sale, so wanted to go ahead. The two last episode are not going to air on US TV, it seems, but I am not worried because they already made them so we will see them one way or another. I can not tell you how sick FOX makes me and I can't blame Wentworth for wanting to move on from this and I now understand his grumpiness more in a recent interview. There is no love for this show anymore and even now that it is nearly done the network seem to want to get it over and done with quickly.
I looooove spoilers and I never ever regretted being spoiled (not after PB airs on TV though) and the anticipation and trying to piece together what will happen, preferably with others, is one of my fav things to do in fandom. Also I would never have wanted the shadow of a character might be dying during a season hanging over it. However, the behind-the-scene-stuff like the ratings, writers, TPTB I could have done without for the last 2 years.
For me this writing is very therapeutic and I realise it is kind of weird multi layered because I write this at the moment that the production of the show is just over, about the rewatch of S2, that I did this summer before S4 started. I always like to complicate stuff. LOL
Re watching S2, I realised again how much I loved it. It is different than S1 but not worse and for me it was still magical. I love the look and the fact that they are out, I love the development of the M/S the relationship, Mahone, Kellerman and Sara's storyline. The online moaning was that there wasn't enough Went, tattoo was not used, too much subplot and even Went said later that he didn't like that his character was more reactive. I agree with all of these points. The fact that Michael and Sara were not together a lot in S2 made a lot of fans angry and there was disappointment and even resentment. It was sometimes frustrating but now I think it build up the tension and when they got together it was so anticipated and awesome that the effect was way better.
Also S2 is special for me because it was the first time that I watched it together with the US fans instead of on TV in MOland, a couple of weeks later, or on burned DVD's in one weekend. I decided to dl because I wanted to keep up with US airing (and spoilers) so from there on I started my strange journey into the, for me unknown world of torrents and downloading. Due to the fact that I am a techno dummy I didn't understand a thing about this but I am also very determined when I want something so eventually I got the hang of it but the you-either-hit-the-jackpot-or-you-have-to-wait-for-nearly-a-day to dl made it very frustrating and stressful at times. I even woke up at the crack of dawn to dl and watch. LOL The anticipation was almost a drug addiction and even though I was lurking I felt involved and the news kept coming in from everywhere.
At this time I also also discovered fancic (now there is a territory I never thought I would go LOL)
I found this amazing story from
msgenevieve TOTL and was addicted to her fic from day one. The thing I love about her stories is that she has a very good understanding of the characters (especial Michael who is IMO hard to capture) and she is just marvellous when it comes to dialogue, little gestures and setting a stage. I also discovered her very good online buddy; the talented artist
scribblecat ![](http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn3/purplemoongrl_bucket/sezart.jpg)
I was blown away by her art and bookmarked both their LJ's along with some other interesting PB fans like
sierra_foxx who's weekly reviews I always looked forward to but I was still happy lurking.
Until then I was mainly lurking on TWoP but the Wentworth fans were kicked out (due to a very delusional troll) and the FCoWM a.k.a. the church was born and it was so extraordinary and amazing in the beginning. I still think it was one of the best forums out there, and I am rereading it at the mo, but again the crazy took over (and it was an inside job this time) and that still makes me sad and I miss it. It is still there but the mods have abandoned it and there is hardly any posting these days.
That time was the highpoint of fandom and everything was great and info was flowing and TWoP was still my main PB info site where fans were on top of the latest news, and spoilers and I discovered sides (casting scripts) and it was always very exciting to read those. There also were insiders like Secretagentman and the_man who provided us with all spoilery candy.
After being scared all summer and not sure if Sara would come back and how they were going the handle the story, I was happy that it was clear from the first ep that M/S was going to be important. During the hiatus there was a huge manipulation going on with Kristin involved and we sort of knew but Kristin was yes/ no /maybe about the return of Dr Sara. *Grrrrr* Went wanted her back, that is for sure.
E May 2006
Kristin: "Are you allowed to say anything about Sara?"
Went: "The writers have told us next to nothing...I don't know the specifics... but I think... I hope... Sarah and I have such great chemistry as actors and we've worked so hard to establish that relationship in a really realistic way within some fantastic confines that it'd be a real shame to just leave that by the side of the road."
Finally we saw this picture and all was well with the world again. *G*
Because they were shooting in Dallas now and not in Chicago, I had to get it in my mind that they were not actually in Texas. Again too much behind the scene info. *headdesk*
- This scene is great and it was the first time they both sat down and dare to have some hope.
- Katie and Sara in the hospital was very moving and it highlighted that she was alone an her dad just didn't care.
- I remember looking forward to Mahone because I always thought Bill Fichtner was a great actor but some rabid fans ruined his character for me. I love his performance but he was hijacked by some stupid people and still is. Him standing by the Wall Of Weird was a fantastic scene and a very clever way to show the similarities between him and Michael.
- Looking back now I think Vee's death is quit shocking but back then I was relieved that Sara survived and I didn't care about her character because of Robin's performance (she didn't annoy me as much as Zzzzoph/ Danay would though) Nearly everyone was relieved that she was gone and there were some funny but terrible jokes about what a waste of a nice coat it was and a hilarious poster on TWoP said every time she put out the garbage she thought about Vee (in the bags, in pieces) I nearly peed myself when I read that one.
- A lot of fans thought Sara acted too weak at the hospital and I guess that it was an anti climax for a lot of people after her performance in 2.19/ 2.20 but IMO SWC did a perfect job playing Sara devastated at first and angry later. HE left her origami OMG!!! I don't like fluff and that is one thing I am grateful for that not ever a scene between them was fluff and this one was just so moving.
- Linc reaction to Vee's death scene was great and also the awkward comforting from Michael and I think it was done perfectly. You see him run to Linc in the background but he doesn't know what to do. Such a sweet clumsy moment between them.
- The handcuffs scene was a terrific image that became very iconic.
- All the fake outs were clever and surprising but sometimes I think the writers complicated things so much that it messes with continuity and there is not enough time to deepen a scene.
- Many people (incl. me) wanted Sara and Linc to bond because she saved him and because they both love Michael and I still have hope for that because we only got a little of that.
- T Bag/ Robert is great but I found his story to be too boring and his scenes too long like C Notes and I did a lot of FF on re watching and that is not something I do often and I'd rather have seen more of Sara.
- I like how they dealt with Tweener, Haywire and Abruzzi although I was sad that they all died, I though the cast was way too large and the stories too spread out.
- A lot of irritation over Went (shit stirrer that he is) mentioning a love triangle in an interview and the Nika hate came back in full force. I tolerated her in S1 but I was happy that she left.
- The most irritating MiSafreak ever, began to post on TWoP; and most other shippers ignored her because she was so stupid and annoying. I think because of her annoying posts a lot of great M/S people left and the M/S hate grew worse.
- On the DVD commentaries someone said that a fan on a forum nearly cracked the origami code, but the code was actually cracked.
- Though I was sad to see Sucre go I was glad that the rest split up because I wanted to focus on the bro's.
- I loved LJ scenes and again I don't understand that they didn't use him more because he is a great actor and the character is very interesting and smart like his uncle. The cleverness of Otis was just so good and it aways puts a smile on my face when I am in an Otis elevator
- The reattachment of the hand is ridiculous and is right up there with the ultra fast removal of the tattoo. *rolls eyes* The killing of the vet was creepy but great a scene and I love how brutal they made T Bag.
- The face off between Michael and Mahone was thrilling and the way Mahone cocked his head to have a good look at Michael was prefection.
- Bradley and Ma Bellick. Awww!
- The smashing of the Taj Mahal by Pope was so sad and you just knew that he was so disappointed in Michael.
- I loved Scan; the pace, the acting and Michael being the clever one again.
- The scenes with Nika were kind of teasing to let us assume there was something going on but what it really did was to emphasise how much Michael cared for Sara so I loved that.
- Bellick and Geary fought like two girls. LOL
- The 'Chuck' scene was terrific and I loved the actor and the way Michael said his name was just ace.
- Sara being arrested and her father not caring was so heartbreaking and again (she never had a bad scene IMO) she was fantastic.
- The brothers cracking jokes was very rare, funny and sweet.
- Mahone addiction and past was very interesting and BF was great in showing us that.
- In the first couple of eps there was a great balance between the brothers, Mahone and the rest and I loved it that way.
- The writers on the DVD commentaries are all very corny and at times extremely graphic and they crack me up.
- Everybody makes fun or is turned on by Linc's unbuttoned shirt. I always thought it looked very tacky but IMO that is a matter of personal taste. I am just not into masculine types.
- Debra Jean was a great character played by a good actress and they were in bed without being graphic WHY!?!?!?!
- Nika and Bellick, just no. Poor Holly, being on a TV show with 'the pretty' and than have to do a make out scene with Brad. LOL
- I have seen 'the call' sooooo many times and still think it is amazing. Went is so good and his voice OMG!!!!! The shippers went wild, but there was also much more hate and some called Sara too cold and pissy (duh, she had every right to feel that way) Also after 'the call' there was a lot of resentment and Sara was viewed as a victim and nothing more than an ornament for Michael and it turned into a feminist discussion. I always saw her as a troubled woman who made mistakes but was not a victim at all. IMO a lot of the Sara(h) hate and resentment came from jealousy that she got to kiss Went. *smirks*
- Abruzzi dying was sad but done brilliantly by Peter.
- I thought I didn't like 5, 6, and 7, because of the Utah housewife situation so much but I actually did like a lot of the other stuff.
- Kellerman/Lance and Sara were amazing together. I loved Lance and his subtle gayness according to the DVD comments there was also a flamboyant over the top version of that scene. That, I would love to see. *G*
- Love the bell for Kellerman/ Bellerman LOL
- With the introduction of Kim, the one we all loved to hate, it was very clear from the start that he was brutal and he was so annoying but the actor did a very good job at making him the condescending creep he was.
- The minute Frank Tancredi grew a conscience we knew he was dead but the kitchen scene with Sara was so endearing.
- Being my shallow self for a minute. I adored Sara's outfit when she has to run. The jeans and black top is my favourite Sara outfit and the hair was perfect.
- The scene when Linc left Michael in Utah is marvellous and again Went was amazing at the emoting, as usual.
- Sara's storyline getting better and better and SWC acting is great. *repeating my self* LOL
- Haywires scenes (and the music) was so hilarious and I am glad that there are always scenes like that to lighten the grim mood of the show. Silas is just the funniest actor and him hanging under the ice cream machine is just too much.
- Michael getting angry at T Bag THE MAP is hawt and that also the getting-your- juice-turned-on-powercompany-man.
- T Bag is his annoying but amazing self. I love it when he is with the gang.
- Kellerman appearing in the store when Sara was on the phone with her dad was just creepy.
- Sara's father 'hanging himself' was just one of the saddest scenes on the show and her sitting in the windowbay crushed broke my heart and at the same time Linc left Michael and he looked like a little lost boy.
Gif by Hikki
- I loved it that the gang was all together again and the old time bickering camaraderie was just great.
- Tweener death is horrific.
- Sara's escape and her sitting under bridge figuring out what to do, is just so tremendous and tragic. Have I said already that she is great? LOL
- Sucre's fake out is the loveliest fake out ever.
- Nick S *gasps* made a very nice comment about a scene when Sara's hair looks gorgeous and the rest of the writers all gang up on him saying that he is obsessed by other people's hair because he has no hair himself. His response is so deadpan : "bastards" he cracked me up. That is a rare thing.
- Of course I have to mention Haywire and his love for Holland. *loves*
- Sucre and Michael is love in Dead Fall and next to M/S they are my favourite pairing.
- It was Went's idea to try to tie T Bag up and leave him to the cops when they leave Utah (good acting choice IMO)
- Westmoreland daughter storyline and the non-follow up was one of the, too many sloppy, writing decisions they made and according to the PB book she died soon after the escape but we never knew that. *kicks them*
The ship a.k.a the MiSa
Even though they are not psychically together and at the time that was very frustrating I loved that it was very evident from the start that their story was not over. There was a lot of criticism about the I have ruined her life but I thought it was done very subtle, it was said to the M/S ubershipper Sucre and it was the first time Michael sat down to reflect on all of it. It was real and we 'knew' that so for me it seemed normal that she was on his mind.
The call just blew me away and I credit Wentworth and Sarah for pulling it off because there is a fine line between being awesome and very emotional (in a restrained way) without being cheesy or soapisch.
I loved the push /pull again. She didn't want to but couldn't forget him and she also knew that he had no choice and because she was in danger he was the only one to turn to but deep down she trusted him. I loved that Michael almost with boy like naivety, despite all that he had done to her, still hoped that he could "make things right" between them and I love the fact that he couldn't move on from her. His priority was to save Linc because his life was in danger but after they were out I think his focus shifted and it was not only Linc anymore that needed saving but he also included Sara in that.
The fact that he left her the cranes and assumed she was clever enough to decipher them means she was not an afterthought and I think her struggle was that she knew that it was real and he had no choice but she was so mixed up and didn't want to make it easy on him.
Awesome stuff as usual.
Another great comment on TWoP. LOL For the RPF obsesses among us *innocent face*
Yes, Wentworth surprised many of us with the emotions he presented. Bravo, Mr. Miller. *Applause* If Ms. Callies wasn't married and if Wentworth wasn't rumoured to be closeted, I'd totally believe that these two are secretly scht*pping each other. Hell, maybe they are.
WEM in Cannes October 2006
"What does your dream woman look like?"
"a lot like Dr. Sara which works" for me?
This SWC interview at the beginning of S2 caused irritation, especially in the Wentfandom, because some over emo fans thought she was nuts to say that she didn't want to kiss him.
I love her analytical Gemini mind and that she, like Went, always gives us more info on how she sees the character and the story.
Click to view
Of course Went has some stuff to say as well about how he sees 'Michael' and his journey.
Click to view
credit: kreumelchen97/ German Wentworth Miller VIP Fanclub
Went and Amaury is just as good as Michael and Sucre and I love how Amaury seem to have a sort of calming influence on Went. Amaury is so at ease with this that the interview is more relaxed for dork and shy Went just like the ones with Sarah.
wentworth miller & amaury nolascoUploaded by
islemmedemars Credit: Thank you so much
scribblecat (you are the best) for the reading and pics/gif/art and Wheelygirl and PO online pic archive for additional pics.
Yes I am moving on to 2.09 and then 2.10!!!!
See yah!!!