Damned the Plot Bunnies

Oct 15, 2013 12:57

Does anyone know of any really good Star Wars kinkmeme's? It's not really a main fandom of mine, but I had a Thor/Avengers crossover idea that I would never be able to write myself but would really like to see done.

Basically, the events of the Star Wars movies took place in MCU, a long long time ago in a galaxy outside of Yggdrasil's influence (AKA Far, Far away). Loki's attempted (or not so attempted?) planet destruction and fall through the Void caused enough ripples in the Force to attract a certain Force!Ghost's attention. Stuff happens. Turn's out Loki is a Force Child just like Anakin was! Laufey wasn't his dad, he doesn't HAVE a father, just a freaked out mom who left him at the closest holy site. Then there's Jane who is actually the reincarnation of Padme, who wants to be an astrophysist because of dream-memories about being a Space Queen. Well, While Loki is in Asgard Prison who comes to see him but Force!Ghost!Anakin who makes him a deal: In exchange for teaching Loki how to properly use the Force, without the silly add-ons and rituals and handicaps that 'magic' requires, Loki will help Anakin and Padme get back together. Which means fucking with Thor to break up the budding relationship. Which means learning how to work around stupid magic-binding cuffs. Which may or may not mean a trip to a once-swamp now ice planet and a cave where Loki must face his worst fears. Which involves 'acquiring' a body for Anakin to possess to be with Padme -or alternatively Thor just scratches his head when Jane tries to explain she's in love with a dead man and invisible!ghost!sex.

And then, super-awesomeness would happen if Loki pulls an old Ben and allows himself to be killed in some battle or another, only to use the force to 'vanish' and remake himself in Padme/Jane's womb... for double the Force Child Power.

I can't decide if Loki would consider himself a Jedi or a Sith, or if his Light Saber (affectionately named Laevateinn) would be Blue or Green. Or possible pure white light, all the colors in one!

But when I envision this story coming together it's more Jane/Padme, Fury(AKA reincarnated Mace Windu), and Anakin centric.

loki, plot bunnies, star wars

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