I often tell young people (anyone under 29) "I'm old, I still have a LiveJournal." They mostly look at me funny, never having heard of LJ, which proves my point and is why it amuses me to say this.
I don't have a MySpace page and the first time I went to YouTube, it was to see
this. The shorter one is my father. The cruise was a family trip, you see, so a cousin took movies of us drunkenly Kariokeing and posted this one to YouTube.
My father, Jack, and his friend, Tom, have been "singing" just a gigolo as a duet for years, since they were in college I believe. So when we found it on the karioke list, we haranged them until they got on stage. Then, for reasons no one understands, Tom said he wanted to do it without the music or lyrics. Apparently, he does not understand karioke, at all. What you see is the result of that tragic decision.