Feb 02, 2005 21:55
It has been said that love is the measure by which another person's happiness becomes necessary to our own. If we truly love someone, we want them to be happy, fulfilled, to pursue their dreams and become everything wonderful that we see in them.
The problem with abusers is they don't see their partners as people who have their own hopes and dreams. The goal of every abuser is to keep their victim in a box until needed. Only the abuser's needs matter, and it's the partner's job to see them fulfilled. Nothing else.
If you never gave a shit whether your partner was happy, or operated under the illusion that what made you happy should and did make them happy, even when they told you they were not happy, you didn't really love them at all.
On a more personal note, when my ex moved in with his girlfriend, I couldn't wait to get his stuff out of my house and into hers. Let her put up with his crap! Why on earth would I have wanted to drag that out?