sm_monthly Sept 19 theme

Oct 31, 2009 15:58

I have different standards for anime, and particularly for shojo, but man, episode 92 with its flowers and its glitter. Every time one of them walks on screen, it’s the fracking Twilight vampires. Reminds me of Special A, with its doilies and its watercolors.

Title: Fall of Blossoms
Author: purplekitte
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: Pairing-a-day--Haruka/Usagi
Genre: Romance
Version: Anime
Rating: PG

“Don’t worry, you still have a chance with me,” the beautiful boy said.

“You have Mamoru,” Minako whispered to Usagi loudly.

“Stop being such a spoilsport.”

“Stop teasing, Haruka.” Michiru’s arrival was heralded by flower petals.

He smiled. The world sparkled.

Not just handsome but charming. Mamoru wasn’t charming. And he had enough in the handsome department. He flipped back his short hair and there were flower petals.

Just when she was enjoying getting a view of him and he was confession his darkest secrets, also feeling a connection between them, of course a daimon would attack. “We must concentrate on Mamo… business!” she told Minako. “Not where those two disappeared to. The daimon already got one person and we need to get that heart crystal back.”

Sailor Uranus and Neptune showed up to the rescue. There were flower petals. But that was just because they were drama queens.

pairing: het, series: sailor moon, rating: pg, character: kaioh michiru, character: tsukino usagi, pairing: femslash, character: aino minako, character: tenoh haruka, pairing: multiple

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