Title: Sakura-Hinata
purplekitte'Verse: Naruto
Claim: general series
Characters/Pairing: one-sided Hinata/Sakura, mention of one-sided Hinata/Naruto
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Summary: Hinata is drawn to determination.
Table/Prompt: Unthemed table 2, idea
Hinata had known her reaction to people like Naruto who were brave and determined to succeed no matter what. But now Naruto was gone and everyone in the village talked about the Hokage’s apprentice. The Hokage’s apprentice who had learned to make mountains crumble and fight off the very claws of death.
It was just Sakura. Sakura from Academy who’d always been fussing with her hair ribbons and messing up her techniques even though she knew the theory by heart. Sakura who now had steel in her jade eyes and gloves made for hard work and knee-high boots for no reason other than being awesome.
No one noticed anything of Hinata blushing and stammering even if it was at another girl. Just Hinata being herself as she used her Byakugan in the hospital. Just Hinata ducking into a linen closet because Sakura and Ino went by gossiping. Why did “just Hinata” have to be this weak, fearful person?
She wanted to be like Naruto. She wanted to be like Sakura and have her strength make her beautiful in a way her primping never had. She wanted Sakura but not in a way she could ever imagine acting on. Hinata could hardly image her as her friend or maybe stealing a kiss but not at all as her girlfriend or her consort lover as she led the Hyuuga clan.
Oh she wasn’t good at anything. A useless Hyuuga compared to her cousin or sister. Nothing of a ninja compared to any of her classmates. Least of all Naruto. Least of all Sakura.
“Hey Hinata!”
She froze up. She willed herself to move. To breathe. Anything. “Sa-Sakura.”
“Hey, congratulations on making chuunin.”
“Oh. Yeah,” she said at a whisper. “Thank you.”
“Come on.” Sakura threw her arm over her shoulder. “Ino and Tenten and I are taking you out for drinks. Let’s go.”