(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 20:00

Not a lot to report on this end. I dont have to work tomorrow (yay!!) wendy, the mom I work for has come down with strep again. I felt like I was earlier this week but last night I gargled some hot water while I was in the shower and my throat hasnt hurt since.
At the moment I am waiting for the Branch President of the church thatI have been going to to show up with his counslers to talk about stuff. still trying to figure out a nice way to tell them that I really dont want to have a calling in the branch. something bad could happen like the church catching on fire or what not. I mean they are already pressing thier luck by my just being in the building ;) sigh.... still fighting the urge to run for the nearest bar every sunday morning instead of going to church. >.< its not good I supose. I really hate that they are really coming over at all. I dont like having people over unless I feel like having them over. I am strange I know.
Lol. I love that TV shows are coming out on DVD. I love some of those old shows. like the cosby show, Mork and Mink... I am curently buying all the seasons of the simpsons. I want to also get charmed, smallvile, the cosby show, south park, that 70's show, um... there are more but I cant remember them at the moment.
sigh... I think I am going to go to bed soon. even though I dont have to work, but I need to keep my sleep sheadule a bit. I am just starting to get back in to the groove of early morning stuff.
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