(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 21:57

I am so increably proud of myself!! I didnt fall asleep yet!! yay me!!

now to the casual observer, this would seem no big thing. but for anyone who has delt with sleep problems like I have, they know this is a big thing. I only got, maybe all together 3 hours last night. Then I went to work for 8 hours and chased kids all day. now, any normal day I wouldnt think twice about taking a nap right after work. that is if I had my sleeping pills. cause then I wouldnt have a hard time going to sleep tonight. but as I dont, I have to be careful about when I sleep. so I stay up as long as I can so that I may have an easier time falling and staying asleep tonight. I so dont want a repeat of last night. it is so horible when all you can do is toss and turn all night. anyways, its time for me to try and get some sleep. I am so looking forward to tomorrow night. I should have my sleeping pills again and I will be able to get a good nights sleep for the first time in like a week. yay!!

ok so that sounds like I am totally dependant on sleeping pills. and yeah, I do depend on them alot, but I dont always take them. it just seems that when I do let myself run out, I end up needing them. its like when I have them, I dont always need them, but when I know I dont have them, I need them. damn brain and its trying to out smart me >.< rrrrr
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