(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 21:00

ok lets see... where was I.. oh yeah. so before A heads out to go to one of his friends to help fix a car we are all talking and what not and he borrows my Game Cube and a couple of games and two controlers and my memory cards. he is gonna bring it back later that evening after another one of our friends, R, got off work. they were gonna head over and bring the money that R owes me and then we were gonna play a new game he got and he was gonna bring his PSP over for me to check out. anyways he takes my stuff, no prob, I trust him. about that time I am starting to expect to hear from him or have he and R show up at my door I get a call from him. while he was at his friends house (which btw is in the middle of freeking no where practically) the car that he is driving got broken into and all my stuff, his PSP and four games, and the car owners CDs were all stollen. yay. ok so we dont freek out too much, we figure that the guy has car insurance and that we will be compinsated. well he gets ahold of the guy who owns that car and come to find out the guy doesnt have ANY car inssurance. none what so ever, not even the basic that is required by law. ok so not even thinking about not getting compinsated for our stuff, A would have been in a whole world of trouble if he had gotten pulled over. some times I think that A has got some not so good friends, well actually I know he doesnt. anyways so now A is trying to figure out what to do next. he cant really call the police and fill a report till the guy who owns the car gets there and I have a feeling that it never really got filled anyways. A thinks that one of the other guys whom he didnt know but where at his buddies house helping out with the car might have taken our stuff cause when A was getting ready to leave and saw his car had been broken into the guys he was with where all damn you car and then this one guy was all um I have to leave now. sigh. so yeah A and I are both out Hundreds of dollars neither and of us can afford to replace our stuff right now. and he feels like crap that my stuff got taken especially since I was so hesitent to let it leave my apartment (for that reason. haven had stuff stolen from me before, I tend to be over protective of my stuff) not that I ever thought A would steal from me, I just am a worry wort so yeah. well A is trying to figure out what happend and is keeping an eye on the pawn shops and what not and I am just kicking myself. sigh. I found out what A's Fav movie of all time was monday to. big suprise there. its Seabiscut! so didnt peg him as that kind of movie guy. its great though. I have always known he is deeper then he acts. we are both so shy its funny. you would think after three years of well, what ever we are, we wouldnt be so shy around each other. and sometimes we arent, but its kind of cute how quiet he gets when we are together. and me, I just babble. I talk way too much. but thats me when I am nervous. I cant wait to talk to him again though, they just finished building a brand new state of the art multiplex and we both want to go to it. and the new tim burton movie is coming out soon. (this weekend?) and so want to go see it. for more the a couple reasons too. the biggest being johnny depp. I lvoe that guy, he is amazing. the next being it looks like its gonna be a great movie and the last is THEY ARE SHOWING THE FULL HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE TRAILER WITH THAT MOVIE!!!! yay!!!

*does the happy dance*

ok I'm a spaz... but hey, Its who I am so deal with it ;)

I am sick once again. its funny I go through most the summer with out getting sick and I go back to work and I get sick TWICE with in the first three weeks of working again! sigh. its going to be a long winter. and when I get sick, I get grumpy and I lose my cool with the kids alot easier. which is hard for me cause I hate being grumpy with little kids. although today with pete and his 5 FREEKING POOPY DIAPPERS!! I swear he pooped so much today. oh and then joe got in on the act. I changed 7 poopy diapers and 1 non poopy diaper. >.< it was a consperiacy. oh and I am trying so hard to help pete get potty trained. I have tried every thing I know, rewards, stickers, stars on the weekly sheadule board, praise, hell, I have even tried sitting there and explaining over and over again that we go potty in the potty, not our pants. I've made a big deal about his big boy pants. I even got him some brand new ones. sigh... the most frustrating part was that I had him in a pull up today. before nap we sat on the potty, after nap, he was still dry and we sat on the potty again. then he got in trouble and had to go on time out. while he was in his room he had the biggest poop and I swear he had to have been holding in all his pee all day cause he hadnt had that much to drink but when I went to go get him off time out his had filled that pull up. god I was so pissed. I mean I know that he knows when he has to go. especially when he has to go poop cause he goes and hides. I ask him all day long, do you want to go potty in the big boy potty? and ever since last week when I got hime to go like 6 times in one day, he practially screams no when you ask him. its really hard. I dont want to have any boys. girls are so much easier to potty train... but they are so much harder as teenagers.

oh I went to the Dr yesterday for my yearly tourture sesion. this is a fairly new DR. for me. I went two weeks ago when I had strep. I was a PA whom I really liked. she seemed to really know about PSOC alot and was really easy to talk to. so I decieded that she was going to be my new Idaho DR. I havent really had a DR out here that I go regularly. I use to go to the student health but since I got blue cross over the summer (thanks to the help from my wonderful mommy) and the fact that I am not enrolled at ISU anymore I cant really go there anymore. so I am seeing this lady instead. which seems to be working out ok so far. anyways so we did the yearly thing, no biggy. then we talked about my wieght a bit and she refered me to this nutritionest that does like everything. its like weight watchers and curves all in one, with someone who actually knows what they are doing and can work with your DR and health insurance. oh they also did a finger prick check of my colestoral. I guess they like to keep it under 200 for fringer pricks. well mine was 203 so now I need to go in and have a full panel done so they can seperate it in to good and bad colestoral. kind of freeks me out a bit but what ever. tomorrow I am going to go in first time after I go to work and get pete and joe. It will be kind of hard to take them with me but its that or I fast all day long while I am at work and only have water and nothing else. and when I am sick I get really sleepy at work and need my caffine. so yeah. um lets see... I think there was something else... oh today is my little brother Andy's 18th birthday... sigh. they grow up so fast. and one of my bestest and oldest friends in the whole world is getting married tomorrow. CONGRATS SHANNON AND BRIANNE!!.... Deann is getting married in March... wow. I'm old, and very very single. :( i like A alot, but I dont ever see this going anywhere perment.

ugh... I am so regreting going to church now. they want to give me a calling in the branch, have me go and do visiting teaching... I so dont want to. thats more of a commitment then I want to make a church right now. hell i dont even know if I want to keep going. a big part of me wants to just cut and run. a very big part of me. I mean how do i tell them that I really dont want to do any of this stuff. that really, by their rules, I shouldnt. I am not a speritual person and I dont know if my being in a calling or what not would be a good thing for those who are. I tend to be very scareligious and blasphomus. and I like it. sigh... i dont know. I should come with a warning label... WARNING!! this person is very unreligous!!

anyways, its getting late again. god I hope I can get some decent sleep tonight. not likely, I am out of sleeping pills and my refill wont get here for at least a week. although I supose I could ask about some tomorrow when I drop in for the blood thing... sigh I wish I didnt need them. it would be nice. anyways, to bed I go!
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