(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 22:00

I know I havent really posted in here lately, but as it is mostly for my benifit since I am doubtful that many is any people are reading this anymore... not that I really mind, the only person I morn (?) not being able to read this as much if at all anymore is B. but he is busy with school and I am so very proud of him thatI dont mind... too much. cause I know I am always with him and that he misses and loves me as I miss and love him. ;)
strange things are afoot with me. I went to chruch for the first time in years... I mean I go with mom when I am home and I go with family when they visit up here, but I mean I went for the first time in years to the ward I am supose to go to, on my own, of my own free will. well sort of. I mean I was planing on going and checking out this new branch grandma was telling me about I just hadnt gotten around to it yet. well as I was moving out of one appartment and into another I had a couch that just could not be moved by one person. well I was planing on asking A (I would call him my curent flame but yeah... its been a off again/on again not real relationship for like 3 years, very confusing) anyways I was going to ask him to help me move but I when it came time to ask him, he was doing one of his dissapearing acts. nothing new, it was just one of the longer ones. usually I can count on at least one phone call a week and I dont stress much. I know he is always going to call eventually anyways. well less then a week goes by... I get a call about 10 pm one night but my phone turns its self off and I wasnt able to talk to him. so more time goes by and I dont hear from him. I worry a little just cause its in my nature. then hurricane Katrina blows in and leaves a mess in the gulf coast states. well I am sadden by this event quite a bit. it became very hard for me to watch the news, which oddly enough is something I usually enjoy doing. more time goes by and I still havent heard from A. well I really have to move the couch so I break down and call some members from church to get them to come and help me. this means that I will have to go to chruch for a while. they know where I live now ;) monday is labor day and I am running about doing things... not really. I was planing on just laying around the house, maybe unpacking a bit. you know, being useless. my grandpa calls around 9:30 am and asks if I want to make $10. I am like no problem, cause I am broke, as is usually the case. (come to find out later that grandpa wasnt feeling 100% and thats why he asked me) well I mow the lawn and get my money and run down to Fred myers to pick up some things that I desperetly need. like bread, lettus, um... oh yeah TP. hee hee anyways while I was at FM my left eye started acting all wonky and I felt like i was going to pass out. so I hurry up with my purcheses and head home. well on the way home I get a full blown migraine. so much fun. i havent had one in so long. in years. I mean I get bad headaches alot. mostly from stress or heat. but I havent had a migraine since I was working for the DI and the AC didnt work the whole summer and it was like 105 every day. >.< so I get home and lay in bed with a pillow over my head and refussing to take any medicine. ok so I was refusing to, it was just in my car in the first aid kit and I didnt have the streagth to get out of bed and walk all the way to my car adn back. so I laid there for about 3 hours before it started to go away. and almost exactly when it did.... my phone rang. it was A. I teased him about being alive and what not like I do when he disapears on me like that and we talk. well come to find out, a couple days after Katrina had made the mess she did he and one of his other buddies hop in a truck and head down to alabama to go and "rescue" one of their other buddies who lives down there. they also helped clean up a bit while there, but could only stay a day or two as they had to get back here to work. anyways he had gotten in the night before and wanted to see what I was up to for the day. so he comes over. well I was in the shower when he got here and he about scared me to death when I came out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel and saw him sitting on my couch. lol. fun times. ah its late... I need to be asleep... I guess I will finish this tomorrow.
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