Hey y'all!
I've just finished composing the final exam for my class. Yay. It actually didn't take that much work, but I was dreading it because I'm so bad at coming up with essay questions that have the right amount of specificity, but still allow them enough room to show what they know. Let's hope I did it well. I'll know by the moans and
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This saves you money, cause bulk buys are almost always cheaper, time, cause you don't have to shop or cook as often, and stress, as it means you can just go to the freezer and see what you've got if you can't decide what you want for dinner!
And as for books, if you can stand reading from a screen, you could try looking around online for free ebooks? There's quite a lot of torrent files available at places like the Pirate Bay that have pdf or epub versions of books. Or, if you'd rather not pirate, Project Gutenberg has a HUGE amount of e-books available that are out of license, and therefore free to anyone. It's all older stuff, of course, but there's some great classics there. I read them on my ipod touch, and used to be able to read them on my old nokia phone, but you can read them on your computer as well.
Otherwise, stick to second hand places rather than buying new *g* A lot of really popular stuff ends up in there at great prices because they get so many copies of them.
Good luck with it! *g*
I'm also going to need to learn to read on the screen. I've got a Blio account too.
Thank you so much for your tips and the time you took in responding.
*great big hugs*
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