Is it really only 9:30?

Mar 27, 2008 09:34

The boys have been fighting with each other for two days.  Andy is angry that Joey has an airplane on the train tracks.  Joey wants my Mickey Ball.  Joey took the Gordon train and doesn't want to be Molly.  Joey is pulling the tracks apart.

And my favorite:  "I CAN'T EAT PANCAKES!!!!!"

I'm reminding myself how lucky I am that they are healthy and that this is normal.

We've been taking them outside after dinner to run around and wear themselves out.  Andy races from tree to tree out in the yard and last night we were straightening up the garage (It's Spring Cleaning time, you know) and the boys were riding their big wheel things up and down the sidewalk.  Poor Andy was just worn out from trying to pedal up the slight incline of the street.

We've had some potty success.  Andy is just adamant about staying in Pull-ups.  He doesn't want to take time out of his play to go to the bathroom.  So I've been showing him that I can rewind his tv shows so he's not missing anything and we've been doing a lot of comparing big boys to babies. He needs to go to preschool in the Fall and that means he needs to be consistently potty trained.  Joey and Andy, potty training together.  It warms my heart. Well, thinking of going from three in diapers to one is really the part that gets me all excited.

Can I say how tired I am of wiping other people's butts?


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