Nov 21, 2004 13:04
I get such couple envy. I'm sure I've written about this elsewhere on LJ. Sometimes I just stare at other couples, taking in every detail about their demeanor, way of speaking, articles of clothing, shoes, hairstyle--everything. I make up stories about what they are like at home. What it is like when they wake up in the morning. I will myself into having a relationship like theirs. Am I never satisfied?
I want my other half to read the NY Times with me. I asked her this morning if she would, and she said no. I think I want her to dress like me, but do I really? Or do I thrive on being the "different" one in the relationship? Do my outfits look all the more funky next to her standard attire? This all sounds shallow and silly, but I get on these kicks sometimes. Imagining the "perfect" life for me. And yet, I am content with the fact that she sits for hours in coffee shops with me reading, while I do work. I appreciate her keen interest in the nightly news. But then I sit around wishing she's get her media intake from varied sources. Am I ever satisfied?