Jan 18, 2007 19:19
Ok well a quick news up date, its been ages since I posted a entry on here.. I now have my own myspace thanks to my boyfriend who convinced me to sign up and his mum who I keep in contact with her on a regular basis through myspace ... look my name up sharnz.
Im heading over to England in july/ausgust date hasnt been set yet but its around that time, my boyfriend is renovating his mum's kitchen and bathroom in exchange for him to go home < which is england> for 3 weeks , 1 week in which will be renovations and the other two catching up meeting his friends and family and doing some tourist things plus Im catching up with Chirstom < thomo from bluelight or chris what ever you have knowen him as if you do know him, and yes so looking forward to it.
Im working at the Australian Open at the moment, have been since 2nd of Jan pre set up and now during the open, alot of early mornings and alot of heavy traffic on the drive home but all in all, im learning alot about myself again... Basicly if you didnt know I have been working for the company who has the catering contract for melbourne and olypmic park and telstra dome. I have part time hours, I worked at all events and its good money if you get work.... I have a feeling to stick in there because if you get your foot in the door there which mine is half way kind of I think I maybe able to permantly be able to stay there and not have to go out again and look for a fulltime job, I dont want to leave I know so many ppl there I know how all of the places run so it would be uncumfortable to start another new job....
Still on the health kick in a way loosing bit by bit not gaining any so thats all good go to myspace and check out my photo's.....
Ed < my boyfriend> is well, he is the best we have been together for 6 months now and in love... he is my rock one of the biggest reasons why I want to live life, none one else who I have been in a rel/ship with havent even come close to how ed is he is def unqiue and my bestfriend.....
Maybe catching up with muzby this weekend havent seen him in like over a year really looking forward to it..... I hope he is too..
well thats enuff of my crappy chatty
Sharnz xo