
Nov 21, 2006 00:28

Wow.. U2 concert was mad!!  I worked at both shows, I was one of the very few people to see the first show ( sat/day night) warm up, they even performed brillantly to us and it was just a practice, I loved it I wasnt surpose to be bouncing around and singing with them, I wasnt like close as to the stage it was on level one in the seating area just perfect view and perfect distance,  I was surpose to be in the bar doing bar bitch duties but gave myself a 20 min break, well hello you will find out why in a sec....

It was the weekend that I worked a split shift, was up at 5.30am on sat/day morning, did the high 5 show at 8 am at vodaphone then was called over to telstra dome at 2.30pm to start early in one of the can bars  at 3pm as they were running behind majorly, it was awsome because basicly you have alot of freedom when given jobs like I have, so you pretty much work your arse off then get repaid by seeing some of a brilliant show < not that we really are allowed too but you know what I mean>  Got home around 12.30am Sunday morning and just about passed out driving to my boyfriends.... I hadnet done a shift like that since the commonwealth games... was fun tho.... and was inspired a bit...

My brother is coming back to Melbourne on wed/day morning from London, he has had enuff and was running low on patience on getting a fulltime job, altho he had been working with a catering company in ritzy places around London he said he couldnt do it for a fulltime thing it was only for some extra money and he just didnt want to waste anymore aussie dollars, i guess there is more to it and I will find out when he gets home, but like he said he will def be back there soon. just being a bit more prepared... yay for him coming home tho, I missed him...

anyways things with the boyfriend are great.... some days I just fall for him all over again its such a wonderful feeling..

best get some sleep xo Sharnz

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