Book proposal

Feb 26, 2013 13:53

After the initial rush of putting together the many pieces that I had already started on, the book proposal has taken a turn towards the slooooooow pace of one grain of sand at a time. But if I want to submit it to my writing group for feedback this month I need to get it together by Thursday.

I was planning on taking it to the local writing convention where they bring in several agents to hear proposals. But after trying to register and looking at the prices, I think I'm going to have to pass. They didn't put the fact that they are charging $15 for 8 mins of agent time anywhere on the website. Plus it's around $300 without staying at the hotel. I'm pissed cause I was really looking forward to it but now it feels like it's for people with more money than common sense. Phooey!

The really bad thing is that it was acting as my deadline for getting this proposal together. So I will keep the deadline and forget the conference. Nods
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