
Feb 21, 2013 15:04

My body is changing. I feel out of control. And angry. And proud then really ashamed of being proud.
Because of various factors like starting on insulin, swimming regularly, money being tight, and so on. I've lost weight and built muscles. My clothes are hanging on me which is the only indicator of my weight that I see regularly. I only get on the scale at the dr. My underwear falls off as I walk regularly. I feel better because the movement I am doing is making me feel better physically and emotionally.

But there is this shrill voice that is all "see! See! this is what you needed to do! Lose the weight! Join Weight Watchers! Measure, count, obsess! You can totally do it!"
And the sane voice in my head is all "Shut the hell up! This is normal and weight will fluctuate with the changes in activity and medication. Pay attention to the feeling not the numbers. Dieting is a tool of the patriarchy."
And the pissy voice says "Whatever! I can't afford new clothes and I'm sick of my underwear around my damn knees."

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