Snip snip snip

Aug 06, 2009 13:11

I will be spending the next several work days cutting out paper birds, butterflies, and flower. Whee.

Less like cutting and more like mangling, but whatever.

Anyway. Party on Saturday was awesome. All but one person showed up, food didn't end up being half as complicated as I thought it would, there was lots of laughter and interesting conversation, people I hadn't seen in a while, and, finally, a game of Smash Brothers Brawl that lasted for four hours. All in all, the party lasted for almost 12 hours (first people arrived around 4 PM, last person left around 3:30 AM.

Only downsides: the person who didn't come; I lost my pocketknife (really distressing me!); somehow hurt my back (it was better by Monday, but I was a bit uncomfortable Saturday night and most of Sunday).

Overall: A rousing success! :D

Other news: My cousin Zach is in surgery today to remove the cancer from his liver. Mom and I are tense, and the more healthy thoughts and prayers sent his way, the better!

Also, saw Van Hoewyk, our chiropractor, this morning...for apparently the last time! He says I'm all better, and to call if I ever need anything else. No more appointments! Woo!

Today is probably my busiest of the week. Up at 8:45 AM, chiropractor at 10 AM, home by 11 AM to shower and make myself lunch, work at noon (where I currently sit, idly surfing the net while cutting out birds), home at 4 PM to have sushi with Mom (tried a piece of eel sushi on Saturday and actually really liked it (to *everyone's* apparent surprise), and I'm looking forward to trying the tuna roll!), off to Willi after that (4:30 - 5ish) to find a place to park, then a place to write, for a few hours. Meeting Chris at the bar at 7, then Nachos at 8 (which should be interesting). Whee!

Alright, done prattling about myself...back to cutting out birds!

family, party, friends, work

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