Writin' Stuff.

Aug 01, 2009 10:16

Yesterday, I read through my current version of Liam & Jer. Did some minor editing (wording, mostly, nothing structural), but didn't add or delete anything.

Today, I read through Beginning, the only thing I've ever actually "finished". Again, minor editing, but nothing crucial added or deleted. I think I'm more proud of this one. It feels slightly more polished, snappier, wittier.

I asked for a show of hands on Facebook of people who would be willing to read L&J, and got a few responses (5 people total...so far?). So I'll have to package that up and send it out soon...figure out which parts to share as "semi-finished" and which to keep close to the chest.

I want to do the same with Beginning, but there's some structural changes I need to make first, and I'm not sure what exactly those are yet. Or at least, what they'll look like.

For a while, I'd kinda given up on writing. Yesterday, I remembered how much I love it. Just reading through what I'd written, just editing it...hee.

So, I'm finally going to kick myself in the butt about it. I've made a commitment to at least 5 people to show them one short story. I'm going to start setting strict Writing Times during the week--even if I just sit and stare the entire time, I'll have the chance to do it, instead of what I've been doing, which is just figuring that if I'm on the computer, I'll write if the mood strikes me. >.<

Sadly, I can't commit to any today, with the party and all. I'm praying that I'll get out of work early, so I can take a short nap before getting ready. Wish me luck!


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