(no subject)

May 15, 2007 18:20

Once again I say: UGH. Back still hurts, although it's a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeensy bit better. Dug out a heating pad, and it felt nice, but it didn't really help in the long run. Unless I feel better in the morning--which I doubt--I'm calling up our chiropractor and making an appointment. Just sucks that I'll probably not be working on Thursday, either...>.<

Dad called earlier, gave me Norma's number. There's a few more things we need to work on, with e-mail and postcards, and he suggested I call her. Of course, after I got off with him, I ate lunch, tucked the heating pad under my aching back, and promptly fell asleep. So didn't get *that* done, and I probably won't call as I don't feel up to being even semi-professional...but I will be working on it, even if just on my own.

Just feeling stressed about that, and work...with the marketing, I know what I need to do, I just don't really know how to do it, so it kinda feels like I'm spinning my wheels and letting people down. And with my job...I only worked one day last week, and it looks like I won't work at all this week, and even though I'll probably be getting a doctor's note from the chiro, I still feel like Madeline's thinking I just bailed on short notice for no reason.

So, to recap, my back hurts like fuck, I'm wishing I hadn't sold back my marketing textbook, and I'm waiting in true paranoid fashion for the phone to ring and hear someone ream me out for being a bum. Yeeha.

Oh, and my boyfriend's kind of being a jerk. He called before he went to work, not to see how I was feeling, but to see if I'd stay over at his house tonight. When I said it wold probably hurt to drive, he basically said "so what?", and kept pushing me to come over, despite my repeating "no" over and over again. When he finally got it, he just got quiet, on the edge of mopey, said he had to go work, love you, bye. No hope you feel better, nothing like that. Sooo I'm really annoyed at him right now.

Life sucks at the moment. Yay.
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