(no subject)

May 15, 2007 12:48

Ugh. I'm not at work. I woke up this morning, turned over, and owwwwwwwwwwww. My back hurts so. fucking. much. Standing hurts. I called in sick, went back to bed. Found a position that didn't hurt...until I started breathing. >.<

So, yeah, here I am, on Mom's giant hot water bottle, with tea and a kudos bar and my laptop. I'm gonna watch TV and work on the JBBB thing.

Back hurt yesterday, but taking a walk around the MCC campus seemed to help for a while. Then it just kept getting worse...then, on the way home, both my hands got that tingly-numb feeling, for about 40 minutes. Scary...but at least that's not happening now...

I feel horrible. Not in pain horrible (although may I just say OW), but guilty. I worked one day last week, and it'll be one day this week, too...>.< I'm being all paranoid that I'm gonna end up being fired. When I go in Thursday, though, I'm going to tell her that I can work Wednesday next week, as well as Tuesday and Thursday. I *would* be working Fridays and Sundays, but they're not *open*. Hmph, I say!

I poked Mom before I called in, to reassure me that I wasn't just being a wimp. She said that if I can't stand, I can't go to work, and she was right...but I still feel like any second I'm going to get a call any second telling me to not bother coming back. Somebody please tell me I'm being paranoid.


job, health

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