Bikini shopping's a bust (and other news)

Aug 21, 2008 17:40

Yes, I did intend for that pun. As you may have guessed I went shopping last night (again) for bathing suits. I ran into many of the same problems as I did during the day. The suit either didn't fit, or looked weird...whatever. The one suit that did fit was pretty ugly so no luck at the mall either.

Today was my first beach day, and what a lovely day it was. Got up at 10:30, pita and coffee for breakfast, helped my brother with some reading homework and we are out of the apt. by 12:30. Have to say, I'm really glad I put sun screen on first because it is way to bright for someone as pale as me to go wandering around with out it. Noah (my younger brother - I don't say little because he's almost 6 feet tall) and I went and caught the right bus going to Hertzelia. It too forever though, because they closed Achuza (the main street in Ra'anana) because of an oil spill on the road so we had to go the long way. Finally we get there, and its beautiful and sunny and amazing. I didn't think to take pictures so you're all S.O.L. Sorry.

The water was warm, like, really warm for someone whose used to swimming in the North Atlantic. Even for South Pacific swimmers (like CA) its still warm. The waves were ok too, again nothing like someone from the U.S. would be used to, but enough to body surf with. I almost lost my suit, but thats just a small price to pay for an awesome afternoon.

I got my schedule today for my classes in London. Its amazing. It really is. I only have class on T/W/Th, and that means that I'll most likely be interning on Monday and Friday. But still, its an awesome schedule that gets better. My earliest class is at 1:30 Pm. :) And because I'm in London, I only have 5 class periods a week. 4 if you think about the fact that I only have the internship tutorial every other week. I'll post a copy below with my classes highlighted. I'm super excited, you all have no idea. I don't know more about my internship yet but I'll keep people posted.

Nothing else for today, I'm tired and in need of a shower. Cheers!


P.s. My schedule posting didn't work so well, so I'll try and figure it out and post it then. :)
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