Apr 27, 2006 11:09
It's been a while since I updated here - too many things going on. In short, #4 broke his arm & is out of commission for a while, we are now involved in an ongoing investigation that will hopefully lead to prosecution, #2 is headed for college, and #3 is now playing the upright bass in addition to the electric. M is doing well holding us all together, I'm working on projects around the house, the plumbing is fixed, the holes in the wall look better, and my golf game is slowly improving.
You should see the spreadsheet I've been working on. It's pretty impressive. Scores, handicaps, goals to shoot for at any given course, history, and so on. eek!
What I don't know is how to make excel give the correct answer to the statement =if("Dfr"="DfR",1,0) which is that the two are NOT equal thank you very much they are of different case dammit! I can get the correct result with =exact() but can't use that inside a =countif(). I have a bad feeling that I may need to do something to convert any uppercase last letters to doubled letters or some such, and that will be truly painful.
The above may not make any sense to you. If it does not, congratulations, you're sane! I'm the nutso one here.