Feb 12, 2010 17:35
hairy beast monster(yes, i added an extension to the previous name) can infuriate me like nobody else. the man is a dolt. i ask him to call me so he does. i try to explain to him that he needs to change his tax return because he cannot claim me. i explained that i wanted to save him the trouble and the repayment that will inevitably be required, plus interest. i do this not because i have any amount of love/respect/caring for the beast, but because i believe that good will be repaid with good.... eventually. and what do i get for my efforts? i get it twisted around on me, that's what. now i am a money grubbing bitch who only cares about his money. wellthankyouverymuchandfuckyou. i'm done being the good guy. DONE <----caps=business. reality strikes again. goodness does not always result in goodness, but hateful beasty hairy monster mens.