Never Enough, H50, Steve/Danny, PG-13, Self Challenge Piece Eight

Oct 28, 2011 20:29

Title: Never Enough
Author: purple_spock
Verse: H50
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Status: Established Relationship, if you can call it a relationship
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 275
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own H50. I do own a lot of mugs though. But no, I’m not willing to trade.
Summary: Steve laments about his relationship with Danny.
AN:  The eighth piece in ( Read more... )

character: steve, pairing: steve/danny, character: danny, rating: pg-13, fathom: h-50, post: h-50 october self challenge, genre: angst

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Comments 11

i_m_sidhwen October 29 2011, 01:28:53 UTC
Ooh, this was heartbreaking! Beautiful nonetheless.
I read all the fics of your self-issued challenge and liked them very much!
Also, what a great icon! :)


purple_spock October 29 2011, 17:38:38 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so glad that you liked it and the other pieces in the series. And the icon. : D
Thanks so much for reading and the nice comment.


The story " Never Enought" marypierce2000 October 29 2011, 03:11:42 UTC
So you are saying that in the story that Danny would come back to Steve? I would Love to read that!!!


Re: The story " Never Enought" purple_spock October 29 2011, 17:38:01 UTC
I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this particular thought. We'll have to see what I come up with.
Thanks for reading.


Re: The story " Never Enought" marypierce2000 October 30 2011, 02:43:14 UTC
OK, Thank you.


haldoor October 29 2011, 23:56:03 UTC
Nicely done - this is quite how I woud imagine things if Steve's love was unrequited this way. That last line, particularly, works well - you can totally imagine Steve feeling this way.


purple_spock November 1 2011, 02:58:24 UTC
Thank you so much for saying so! I'm glad it worked for you and you thought it was in character. :)


illfindmyway October 30 2011, 22:50:58 UTC
Look at you go! Piece 8! ♥


purple_spock November 1 2011, 02:59:33 UTC
<3! Yes, on a role. Not going to make the challenge of 15, but the point of it was to get me writing and it sure worked. : D
Thanks so much for reading them, it means a lot. <3


illfindmyway November 1 2011, 17:12:23 UTC
Of course! I'm sorry I didn't see them sooner. Sometimes I'm terrible about checking my friend's list.

Did you get the mini-story I left you for Halloween? I had nothing to do with Halloween really.


purple_spock November 2 2011, 03:39:33 UTC
I did - I just hadn't had the chance to read it yet. I did now though, am I loved it (there's a longer comment on your page). And that's okay about checking your list, I know you've been very busy, and I appreciate any attention I get from you. <3! Lots of love.


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