Between the news media hyping the imminent arrival of the new Harry Potter1 and the ABC advertising Saturday's Doctor Who, I've spent this past week feeling more than a little excited. Since most of this has been via the TV, and this TV viewing is happening in my bedroom with the door closed, watching the TV from a seated position on my bed, I've felt no compulsion to reign in the urge to squeal, clap and bounce around.
Until I came to the rather unsettling realisation that I bore an uncanny resemblance to Tom Cruise on Oprah.
This still disturbs me a great deal, and I've had to list a couple of reasons why I am not like Mr Cruise.
a). I'm embarrassed about it. I do this behind closed doors because I realise how crazy it is. I'm not about to go on a talk show that airs in front of an international audience of God-knows-how-many millions of people and bounce, squeal, clap and carry on about "one sleep 'til Harry" and "OMG, Captain Jack!". Because that would be crazy.
b). I know both Harry and Doctor Who are fictional. I'm not about to join some J.K. Rowling-founded Hogwarts Cult and look for Aboriginal rock-paintings of Quidditch matches. I'm not about to join the Cult of the TARDIS2. I'm not going to go to Scotland and demand entry to Hogwarts3. And I don't think that all life on Earth came about because of an exploding space ship (see:
Doctor Who #105, City of Death). Nor do I think that anyone would believe my "it's LOVE!" relationship with Daniel Radcliffe is anything more than a publicity stunt4.
1 and freaking me out because they published a story with the USA covers of HbP... thankfully, an error, because if I wanted the Americanized version I'd order it from Amazon. Of course, this is the paper that can't print a Star Trek story without putting the Enterprise upside-down, so I don't know why I was worried in the first place.
2 Although if you could point me towards the Cult of Captain Jack I'd be very grateful.
3After all, they, like, totally have spells and stuff to keep Muggles like me out.
4 Or illegal, not to mention a figment of my cracked imagination.