I've been getting Jessica into DBSK. Haha. Obviously, I'm also returning to my fan girling phase.
I've been skipping a lot lately. Apparently I missed an in class assignment this morning worth 5%. @_@
But then again, I didn't even finish reading this week's book. ''Candide'' by Voltaire. It's such a... ... I don't even know. It's just so weird. It's full of suffering and pain and just really weird. Too much for me.
Things I need to get done:
For Tuesday - print out 2 summaries I half assed last night
For Wednesday - finish reading Candide, or at least try to
For Thursday - reflection (2-3 pages) + finish reading 2 chapters
For the near future - start planning my HUMA essay and also SOWK essay, due 2 weeks from now
I don't like all this writing but it beats having tests I guess. -_-
I have 3 books, and 4 chapters of a fanfic I haven't gotten around to read yet. T_T I want all this to be over already.
I just got an email from my Peace by Peace leader and it had the following post script:
P.S. I'm listening to "I owe you one" by Lights. LIVE. It's TOO GOOD. Despite this stressful time of the year, it makes me happy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSwUPwIw0pM Haha.