Those are Eric's new glasses.
I think it's about time I get new ones too. -___-
I really need to switch my sleeping pattern. I'm gonna have to wake up super early starting Monday. I've developed a bad habit over the past 2 weeks of not sleeping until 2/3 am and then waking up at 12/1 in the afternoon. It's really bad and I always feel so tired and unproductive.
...Like right now.
I was supposed to start on my project yesterday but I got called in for work early so I couldn't do that.
...And today I slept in way over time.
Sigh sigh.
Maybe I should take a shower and go to school early.
I was gonna enrol in that acting class but I was too slow. It's already full and I doubt it'll empty out again since it's starting in... 5 days. Ugh. I should've just done it. Ah well. I shall try next time.
It's really hot today. I love it. =D
I really need a shower I feel disgusting. I need food too.
Speaking of food, I've already spent much of my babysitting money I got last Sunday on food. Like $60? In less than a week! T_T
There's a 50% sale at Kiddie Kobbler.
.. Yes. I go there for my converses.
I asked if they were on sale and the lady said only up to size 3. -___-
I guess the sale's only for legit children.