I'm glad that I bought my new water bottle (the small one).
It's cute. It's handy. It's just the right size for me. =D
So I finally suffered the consequences of procrastinating on my assignments last night.
I started planning my essay on Thursday afternoon/night and really planned on actually writing it out this weekend. Obviously I had excuses one way or another and I still hadn't start by Sunday (yesterday).
I even allowed a boy to distract me from working on it and I feel so stupid and such an idiot for once again getting carried away by my feelings.
Basically by the time I got home, had dinner, washed dishes, took a shower, and settled down, it was 10pm. At that time all I had was a semi-good outline/plan. So I took out a bag of chips, canned coffee (yeah...it was okay right then but kind of gross now that I think back to it), and my trusty snoopy water bottle by my side and I started attacking. I did fairly well actually. I wrote it without a break (other than the occasional silent cries of FML and standing up to shake my numbed bum) until 5am. I was proud of myself for finishing. =D It still needs a bit of tweeking but overall the main stuff is there. I sent it to two of my trusty editors (hope they have time to help me! >_<) and hopefully it'll turn up to be a somewhat decent essay. Although... I'm highly doubting it. -___-
I had to get up for my humanities lecture (the class the essay was written for but due in Wednesday's tutorial) at 6:30 so I just stayed up, knowing I won't be able to get up if I were to fall asleep. I ended up reading manga. -_-
Well, it kept me up and I was able to get to school on time (SHOCK!) and managed to ...somewhat stay awake for the lecture. I'm sure my prof caught me nodding off once or twice though. ^____^;;
I'm so tired and really need to sleep but it doesn't end here!
I have to go to my 12:30 class since I have a test on Wednesday for it and we're most likely going to practice for it (it's my ASL class) so I should go. I then need to stop by No Frills before I go home and then do some stuff at home before dashing off to work by 5. T_______T
Tonight I'll most likely have to pull another all nighter for my social work essay outline (thank goodness it's only an outline) for my prof 2mrw since we made a deal to save my participation mark.
I'll need to somehow fit my time to practice for my ASL test 2mrw as well.
P.S. I wish I look and felt like the me in my profile pic. I look like crap today and I have no intentions of smiling today. -___- So much for customer service at Esprit tonight. PSH.