I forgot to post this up for Valentine's day.
In all honesty... Hallmark cards are probably written by fat guys like that. LOL
I'm at william small working on my humanities essay.
Question: Fantasy is a form of social criticism. Discuss this idea by comparing and contrasting two books.
I'm using Gustave Flaubert's ''Madame Bovary'' and Jean Dutourd's ''A Dog's Head''.
I finished the latter last night and I'm about 1/6 into Madame Bovary. Obviously I'm not going to actually finish reading Madame Bovary. I have sparknotes and wikipedia... so I'm not worried. ... Well I should be but I have the lecture notes (which I copied from Caytlin since I didn't go to that lecture) and there's an online ebook of Madame Bovary which means I can just search words on the computer to find quotes.
I am such a bad student.
Anyways. This essay is due next Wednesday.
I have my other social work essay due Tuesday. Or at least an outline of it.
Oh and ASL test on Wednesday.
It's gonna be a busy weekend. No sleep for me!
... and no procrastinating either!
Anyways. The main point of this entry was this:
I was thinking just how perfect it would be if my room had a huge floor to ceiling window facing the sea. I'll put my computer desk facing the window so that when I do my essays I can lean back on my chair and look at the sky when I'm thinking of what to write.
That would be perfect.
Right now all i see are the ceiling lights and vents. ... What inspiration. -_____-